Chapter Eight

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I keep checking my phone, the time, and the door. Nothing. There's been nothing all day. Yet this anxiety won't leave my chest.

"You like this movie?" Jenna frowns.

"Yeah, yeah, it's good." I mumble, cuddling up to her.

"You sure? You seem distracted." she frowns.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I smile, trying to focus on the movie.

I'm safe. He's not going to come here while Jenna's here. He can't, right?

Towards the end of the movie I begin to feel more at ease as I'm immersed in the film, but Jenna's ringtone pulls me out of that blissful ignorance.

"It's Tay." she chirps as she answers it which relieves me.

"Hey baby, what's up?" she chirps but then I see her face fall. "Hey, hey, slow down...what happened?...oh Hun, I'm so sorry...yeah of course...I'll be right over."

She hangs up the phone and turns to me seeming saddened.

"Tay's grandma just passed. I'm going to make sure Tay's okay." Jenna sighs.

"O-oh, can I come?" I ask hopefully as I'm struck with fear again.

"Not tonight, I think she needs some time to process first." she explains.

"Yeah, of course," I breathe realising that was a stupid question. "Send her my condolences."

Jenna quickly collects her things and then she's gone before I can even say goodbye.

I pull my knees up to my chest, hoping to give myself some form of comfort. My palms are drenched in sweat and I can hear my heart beating heavily against my chest. I feel dizzy and nauseous.

My textone goes off making me jump. I shakily fumble for my phone, hoping to god it's not Carter.

I'm pleasantly surprised to find that it's a text from Vic. He's sent me a picture of him and his mom.

I suddenly get another text.

Vic♡: She misses you!! I'm bringing you next time I visit xx

Tears rush to my eyes as I'm overcome with emotions, relief, gratitude and an insense adoration for my best friend. What I would do to be a part of his family.

Suddenly the doorbell rings which causes me to drop my phone.

I feel myself start to shake again as I just stare at the front door, unable to move, unsure if I want to move.

"Kellin, open up." Carter calls as he bangs on the door.

I hug my knees tightly and put my head down as I begin crying.

I hear the door open but don't move, paralyzed by my own fear.

"What are you crying for?" Carter coos as he sits next to me. "Where's the feisty Kellin? The one that turns me on."

"Please, I can't do it again, please don't make me." I plead.

I feel pathetic and weak but I have no choice but to beg.

"Oh don't be melodramatic. It's not even going to hurt as much this time. Come on, you know I don't like being kept waiting." he says sternly.

His threatening tone scares me to death but I can't seem to will myself to move.

I notice his jaw clench with anger when he realizes I'm not going anywhere. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a flip knife.

Before I can say or do anything, he flips it open and holds it against my throat.

I let out a fearful scream.

"Shut up and stand up!" Carter yells.

I whimper yet can't move due to the blade that's threatening to pierce my throat.

"O-okay, I'll do anything you want. B-but please just don't hurt me." I cry.

His angry expression immediately changes from aggravated to a pleased smile. The sudden change is terrifying.

"Good, come on." he chirps, dropping the knife and taking my wrist that's still sore.

I keep my painful yelps to myself though and swallow my tears. It's better if I just feel nothing. I need to be numb.

He drags me back upstairs to my room and I'm shaking so much I can't undress even when he yells at me to.

My fear is worse this time because I know what's about to happen and I know there's nothing that'll save me.

Carter gets aggravated once again and pushes me down onto the bed. He grasps his flip knife in his hand once again and straddles me as he presses it to my chest.

I start sobbing hard as I fear for my life but instead of stabbing me like I'm expecting, he glides the knife down the material of my shirt, cutting through it so my chest is now exposed. He looks a little relieved and places the knife down beside me as he begins working on my sweatpants.

Once I'm stripped naked, he flips me onto my stomach. I hear his belt as he stands behind me and I cry harder, thinking about the ache that's still on my bruised and scabby wrists.

But instead of tying my wrists together he holds the belt in front of my mouth.

"Open." he instructs coldly.

I open my mouth and he shoves the belt into my mouth.

"Bite." he demands.

I bite down on the leather and he grips my wrists, pushing them into the mattress on separate sides of my head. His grip alone is enough to bruise my barely healing flesh.

He pushes into me and my screams come out muffled around the belt.

After a few minutes, or maybe just a few long seconds, I mentally give up and allow myself to get used to the continuous pain.

My gaze falls to the teddy bear at the end of my bed once again. I take note that it's artificial fur is the same colour as Vic's hair. I let my mind wander to him and I cry harder yet at the same time the thoughts soothe and calm me.

When Carter finishes, I'm no longer wailing, but just letting silent tears fall down my face.

My body is still shaking and I can't move or speak or really comprehend the space around me. I can't think, and the shuffling sounds of Carter doing up his pants sounds distant and muffled. I start to wonder if I'm in shock.

My jaw suddenly feels sore and my mouth dry, making me realize I'm no longer biting down on a belt.

I feel soft lips on my shoulder then I hear a click, as if the door had been shut.

It's a few hours, or maybe just a few long minutes, until I stop hearing a ringing in my head and I'm able to sit up. My muscles shake and ache as I pull my clothes back on and I feel like my clothes are only entrapping the feeling of him but I'm too numb to care.

I leave my room and limp down to Vic's. I slide under his covers and wrap myself in his blankets. But not even the homely stench of Vic is enough to mask the poisoness feel of his malevolent boyfriend.

Cuts - Kellic (Book One) // boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now