Chapter Twenty

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Waking up next to Vic is weird. I've woken up next to Vic before but it's never felt like this. There's no longing in my chest. There's no sadness, no disappointment, no raw aching. Because Vic is mine. I have no reason to hurt anymore. I have everything I've ever wanted.

He's just staring at me. His eyes wide and puffy, having just woken up. His hair is a mess and his breath kinda smells, but he's perfect.

He's gently running his hand up and down my side in a soothing manner.

"Hey," I finally whisper.

"Hi." Vic whispers back making me giggle.

He gives me an adoring smile and brushes his thumb over my cheek.

"Am I still dreaming?" he whispers in awe.

I had the same thought waking up.

"No, this is real." I assure him.

"This is weird." he whispers.

"Good weird or bad weird?" I ask, biting my lip.

"Good weird. Great weird. Fantastic weird." he grins

He then pulls my lip from beneath my teeth and gently kisses me. My lips tingle at the simple gesture.

"I thought it'd be uncomfortable," he begins, his voice raspy and sexy. "We were friends for so long. I thought it'd be unnatural moving our relationship from platonic to romantic."

"But it's not." I finish for him. "It feels right."

He just nods and kisses me again. Neither of us are eager to end the kiss so it goes on for a while and soon enough Vic's tongue is in my mouth and I'm slowly climbing on top of him.

I sigh frustrated, in every sense of the word, as I pull away from Vic. I'm sure he can feel my hard-on pressing into his stomach.

"I think we need a 'no making out' rule." I mumble.

He smiles sadly but nods.

"Yeah, I agree." he sighs deeply.

I fall back down beside him and will my body to calm down.

"No guy has ever had such an effect on me." Vic murmurs which makes me blush. "It's like I've wanted you for so long and now that I have you, I don't know how to slow down and restrict myself. It's like I've starved myself for years and now I'm trying to just take one bite, but I want all of it."

I watch him speak as he looks up at the ceiling, just completely mesmerized.

"I hope that doesn't make you uncomfortable." he whispers.

"It doesn't." I smile, taking his hand comfortingly. "I feel the same way. It's like simultaneously trying to make up for lost time and trying to rush through everything in fear that it's going to be over suddenly."

"Are you scared we're not going to be able to make this work?" Vic frowns, turning his head to look at me.

"Absolutely," I admit. "I've fantasised about our relationship for a decade. But that's just fantasy. It's not going to be the same. It's not going to be as perfect as I want it to be. But I'm excited for the reality of it. I'm so happy that this is finally happening and I can experience what it's really like. I'm sick of living in my head."

Vic smiles and leans in to kiss me but averts his lips and kisses my nose.

My virginity has already been taken from me but my vow of abstinence still holds importance to me. I can already tell getting through these next few years, or however long, will be difficult for Vic and I. What Vic said was right, I've been resisting him so long that now I have him, I want every part of him. Controlling ourselves around each other is going to be more of a struggle than ever.

Cuts - Kellic (Book One) // boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now