Chapter Ten

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Jenna's car honks from out the front. I look at myself in the mirror and sigh frustrated when I notice I've sweated through another dress shirt.

I'm just so nervous. I'm going to have dinner with Carter. I want to cry every time he's mentioned, how am I going to sit across from him all night?

I want to look nice for Vic but at this rate, that's never going to happen. I unbutton my shirt and spray some more deodorant before doing it back up and throwing a hoodie on.

Jenna honks her horn again.

I sigh and wipe my sweaty palms on my jeans again then finally leave my room and head out.

I'm surprised to find the passenger seat of Jenna's car empty.  I jog down the lawn and get in, clipping my seatbelt on instinctively.

"Where's Tay?" I ask confused as Jenna drives off.

Jenna has never gone to dinner without her.

"At home. Her grandma's passing hit her hard." she sighs.

"Oh, is she going to be alright?" I ask worried.

"I think she needs to get through the funeral first so she can get that closure and begin to grieve but they're postponing it for family. She's just overwhelmed." Jenna vents.

I can't help but to feel guilty. I've been so caught up in my own shit, I didn't stop to think about what Tay is going through, and what Jenna is going through.

"If either of you need anything, don't be afraid to ask." I say softly.

"Thanks Kells." she smiles. "So, you're coming to dinner. This is a surprise."

I sigh and shrug.

"I promised Vic I would." I smile.

"That's good, Kells. I'm glad that you're talking to him and getting out of the house. Are you going to be okay with Carter there though?" she asks and my heart leaps to my throat.

She knows. How does she know?

"What do you mean?" I ask anxiously.

"You know, they're going to be all couple-y. It must be hard for you to see them like that." she explains.

I immediately feel relief wash over me but it's paired with a bit of disappointment. I guess part of me is hoping that someone will find out so it can stop.

"I mean, it sucks but there's nothing I can do about it." I shrug sadly.

"Maybe you should talk to Vic about your feelings. It could give you some sort of closure." Jenna suggests.

"And risk our friendship? I couldn't." I sigh.

"Surely it'd be worth the risk. There's a possibility you could end up with him." she chirps.

"Nothing is worth the risk of losing him." I say sternly.

"Not even your happiness?"


We soon arrive at Carter and Vic's house and I feel myself sweating again. I just hope Carter knows his boundaries tonight.

When Jenna knocks, I consider making a run for it but before I can even talk myself into or out of it, Vic opens the door.

"Hey girl, you look nice tonight." Vic beams, leaning in and kissing Jenna's cheek.

"You're not so bad yourself." Jenna beams.

I couldn't agree more. Vic looks so hot in the short-sleeved, white, button up dress shirt he's wearing tonight, complemented with a pair of light gray shorts. If he gets any more robust, his arms are going to be ripping through the sleeves.

Cuts - Kellic (Book One) // boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now