Chapter 5

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I get into the car; we have the same seating arrangement as yesterday. "Hey guys!" I say. They respond with multiple hi's and hey's from all of them. They seem too focused on singing the lyrics to a Blink 182 song and playing various air instruments. Michael quickly pulls out of my driveway and I hear the tires squeal on the pavement. I wonder what my mom thinks of all this...

We drive through the town for about ten minutes until Michael pulls onto the highway, still jamming out to his air guitar. He barely keeps his eyes on the road.

"MICHAEL!" Luke suddenly screamed, "WATCH THE ROAD!" Michael and Calum couldn't hear him and I notice that we were starting to veer off towards the other side of the road that is lined with the woods. I can see my life flash before my eyes. I'm going to die.

"MIKE! CALUM!" I scream. This time, Calum heard me. He looked out the front windshield, yelled "Oh shit!" and quickly turned the steering wheel for Mike. Michael felt the jolt of the car and grabbed the wheel, getting back into his lane.

"Holy crap guys, we almost died!" He apologized while laughing.

"Yeah Michael, you scared the shit out of us!" Ashton yelled. "Turn down the music and keep your eyes on the road." Michael smirked, but drove us the rest of the way safely.

Michael drives into the parking lot and pulls into a handicap spot. "But Michael, we're not handicapped," I say. The boys snicker around me. "What's so funny?" I ask.

"Nothing, nothing," Michael says while laughing. "I forgot you haven't seen this baby before," he says while pulling out a fake handicap sign that was stored in the passenger compartment.

"Oh my god, Michael, isn't that illegal?" I say, astonished.

Michael responds, "Well, yeah, but I've never gotten caught before, so it works pretty well," He smirks. I don't question it anymore. We all get out and walk to the front doors of the theater.

"So what movie are we going to see?" I ask. I haven't even thought about that until now.

"How about we go see that movie, with the guy and the girl that fall in love? What was it called again... uhh.." Michael thinks really hard before he says, "Oh yeah! It's called Endless Love!"

"No way! That's a chick flick! You're such a girl, Michael!" Calum insults, "We should go see Zombie Apocalypse!"

"Yeah I wanna see that," Ashton says. I honestly didn't care what movie; I didn't feel like bickering with the boys.

"That sounds cool," I say. I love most types of movies and if the boys wanted to see it, I won't argue.

"It's Zombie Apocalypse then!" Luke says and we all head towards the ticket booth.

"You guys are so unfair sometimes.." Michael mumbles sadly as we pay for our tickets. I just put my arm around him and reassure him that we can go see it together another time. "Promise?" he asks with wide eyes.

"I promise," I reply as we walk inside.

We decide that we would all share a large popcorn and a large soda. After we buy them, we start to look for our theater. I was a little nervous. I can get pretty scared during these types of movies, so I hope whoever I'm sitting next to won't mind me grabbing onto them or anything like that.

"Ahhh theater 11," Ashton observes as we walk in. It's dark; the only lights are on the floor where each step is and the light coming from the screen. We walk up to the seats in the back of the theater and all file in the row. I end up being the last person to walk in the row, so I only end up sitting next to Luke. We just sit there and wait for the movie to start; I can hear Ashton and Calum fighting over the popcorn already. I turn to see them viciously grab at each other until Luke intervenes. Luke grabs the side of the popcorn out of Calum's hands, but pulls a little too hard and the popcorn goes flying everywhere. All of the seats in front of us are now covered in our popcorn.

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