Forest of death

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The gate that surrounded the forest had many keep out or die signs on it. Anko Explained the second part of the exam as Naruto said that it was going to be easy. This set Anko off and she through a kunai at Naruto, puting a little cut on his face, that she licked. ewww.

A women walked up behind Anko and gave her the Kunai with her snake like tongue. I Looked at the grass village ninja before a light went off in my head. Father was going to go into the forest of death to get to Sasuka.

I was handed a consent form as I went to sit down to fill it out someone grabbed my shoulder to stop me. Looking over my shoulder I saw that it was the dog boy Kiba. He gave me a slit smile before a look of wonder appered on his face.

"Wheres your team?" He said this loud enough so every genin looked at us. One of the genin stood out from the rest, his red hair and seafoam eyes that held so much danger gave me tingles as his eyes borrow into mine.

"Hello," Kibas hand was waving in my face as I grabbed it and held it in a slit death grip. His face showed pain but he didn't scream.

"I have no team it is simple as that,"My voice held a murderous tone to it as I turned to go sit under a tree. The genin whispered and looked at me with more wonder and shock. But my father just held amusment in his eyes.

Looking over the group of people talking with each other, a small smile palyed on my lips. This was going to be easy. Feeling someones eyes on me I turned to see the red head just looking at me. His eyes were dull, they held no emotion. Pushing myself off the tree, a surprised looked poped onto his face before he covered it back up with his serious face. I was standing right infront of him getting a better look at the mystery boy that held a little part of my mind. I didn't even know him but everytime I tried to think of something else my mind always went to his face. We just stared at each other before someone clearing their throat pulled my focuse away from him.

"I wouldn't stand to close to him," This was the other boy that was on the red heads team. He had brown hair and purple face paint. There was a wooden thing on his back, as I got a closer look , I saw that it was a puppet.

"Don't talk to me," My voice made him flinch but he quickly covered it up. My thoughts slow flowed back over to the red head, Why was everyone afaird of, like yeah he has the one tailed beast in him but is he really someone you need to be scared of.

"You're the leaf ninja with no team," Well the red head speaks, his voice was monotone, arms crossed over his chest as he looked down at me. Yeah I'm pretty short with everyone having to look down at me.

"Yes I am and who might you be," I touched his chest with the end of my pointer finger as I raised an eye brow.

He looked at my finger and than back at my face, giving him one of my famouse demonic smiles. Looking back into his eyes I saw a little bit of a murderous look but there was something else that I couldn't tell what it was.

"I am Garra of the dessert,"I nodded my head before I did something that was totally out of my charcter.

"We are now friends Garra,"With that I disappered to give Anko my form and get my scroll. She gave my a small smile before pointing to get number 5.

I have an earth scroll so I need to get a heaven scroll. Their are 26 teams not including me so that divided by 2 means that there are at least 13 heaven scrolls, that means when this is over there will have to be a pilimenary round to cut the numbers down even more. Another smile made its way on to my face as the gate opened.

"byakugan," I whispered, Running in I could see that there was 2 teams one with a heaven scroll to my left, Jumping into the tree I followed the group and found out it was the mist ninja with the heaven scroll.

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