Rainy day

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Ever Pov

Thunder boomed outside the hotel . I could hear the rain drops hit the tin roof as a flash of lightning flashed in the distance. Looking back at the paper work on my kitchen table, Letting out a sigh I rubbed my head and pushed the documents for the new mission away from me. Garra had left right after his fight, kissing me and telling me he would be back in a month, that was 2 days ago.

Another boom of thunder hit this time closer shaking the small building .Closing my eyes, I grabbed the papers, a black cloak with green flowers on it. Swinging it over my shoulders tying it tight to me, I shoved the papers in the matching green and black bag and left the apartment looking for my target. Jumping from roof to roof I followed the scent of the man I was tracking. Hiding my scent and chakra very well I followed his scent to a clearing in the woods. Stoping on a branch not to close to the clearing I spotted the dark haired Uchiha with a shark like man. They were walking away from me the rain not seeming to bother them much. A gust of wind hit from the west blowing there scent right to me. Their red and black cloaks flapped in the wind.

The shark like man stopped looking around than whispered something to the Uchiha. I knew something was up when the Uchiha stopped to looking around and activating his eyes. Knowing they had probably scenced something was off, I let the wind flow through me, instantly I became one with the air. Dropping down from the tree I got closer, I could hear alittle bit of what the shark man was saying now.

"What the hell was that? That was not the chakra of one of the tailed beast the chakra was much more powerful." the shark man was looking around puzzled. The Uchiha shrugged and closed his eyes, they went back to normal as he turned around to leave the clearing. At his side was the bag, the Bag that contained every name of the tailed beast out there, where they were, and who was carring them.

Controlling the wind and water, I sped up the wind so it was hard to walk, the water wrapped around the Uchihas leg and froze. He looked at his feet puzzled as the shark man turned around.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS," the shark man yelled over the loud wind.

Making swift move ments, My hand shot out and grabbed the bag ripping it off the Uchiha's shoulder. Making sure I didnt look at his face I made quick hand movements. The ground rumbled as a Gaint snake came out of the ground, the snake listening to my comand attack the two men. Black fire ingulfed me as I left the seen, The uchiha was just able to catch sight of me as I waved at him and gave him one of my inoccent grins.


Landing in the hotel room, I quickly grabbed all my stuff and shoved it into my bag, straping the sword to my back, I did one more sweap of the room making sure there was no evadince I was there. Jumping out the window I made quick hand signs and slammed them on the ground. In gulfed in a puff of smoke Authur stood there, He looked puzzeled for a minute than instantly took focus of our surroundings.

"Ever why are we in the hidden sound village," it was a little bit past midnight but Authur was still on alert. A crash of thunder hit and the wind whipped past me, I could smell there scent faint but still there.

"I was on a mission Authur to get some inportant documents from some S-rank criminals that seem to be working together...... we need to get out of here fast and get back to the leaf village before they track me down, I'm not in the mood for a fight right now especially this close to my fathers hide out," Authur nodded as he took the bag filled with my stuff and documents in his mouth, letting the feeling take over I shifted into A white and balck wolf. Nodding to Authur we broke out into a full blown sprint. The scent of the two S-rank's faded as we ran across the wet forest floor.


Breathing heavy I shifted back to my human form, Authur and I had sprinted for a good 5 hours until I knew we were safe. Leaning against a tree my back slowly sliding down the ruff back till I sat on the floor. The sun was just at the peak of the sky. Birds chased each other through the sky. Fluffy clouds painted the baby blue sky.

Authur dropped the bag beside me as his huge body crashed down beside me. We sat there in silence for a bit just basking in the rays of the warm sun. I slit breeze hit making the leaves of the trees rustle and the grass sway.

"That scent he was a uchiha boy wasn't he," Authur had been with me since I was a baby and had gone on many missions with me in my youth, One mission involed us having to kill a group of uchiha's and collect there eyes. It wasn't a pleasent mission for a 3 year old but I made it back to my fathers with out a scrath and with his precious eyes.

Looking at authur I nodded and let out a sigh. "He was the one who kill his entire clan," spotting a white flower out of the corner of my eye I watched it with care, the flower was the only white one in the area, it looked so out of place compared to the rest of the colourful flowers that surrounded the area. I could fell Authurs worried stare bore into me. He wanted me to talk about my fellings always told me so, but I refused. I was not going to be weak and show my feelings infront of anyone, not even someone who has been with me as long as he has.

He let out a frustrating sigh as he layed his head down across my lap. Closing my eyes, I could see garra's face. His seafoam eyes, his red hair and just him hugging me again. Couple more days than our plan is in action and I can be with him.

Opening my eyes I looked down at Aurhtur, he was sleeping. Pushing his head off my lap, I grabbed the bag as i got up to leave.

"Authur wake up we need to get back to the village," Looking down at him with a monotone look on my face, He just gave me the same look as he rose. Jumping on his back, he sped off towards the leaf.


I watched the girl leave the clearing on her compainion. She was a beauty for someone so young and yet so dangeruss.

"The daughter of one of the most feared mans in the ninja world," Smirking to myself I jumped down from my spot in a williow tree. "But also the member of one of the most feared clans in history," Adjusting the mask on my face, shoving my hands in my pockets, I walked off into the shadows of the forest. Plans of how I would use that girls power rolled around in my mind, she was dangeruss now just wait til she hits sixteen and awakens, a smile again made its way onto my face.

"I have big palns for you in the future little girl, big plans,"laughing to myself i let the darkness ingulf me.

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