Run,Run baby Fox

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I could feel the dark chakra coming from behind me. I knew he didn't know I was here but it still freaked me out, He shoudnt be anywhere around here unless he has already started his plan to take the uchiha boy.

I'm debating confronting him or waitting, waitting until I'm stronger to put him through the pain he put me and mother through. My heart beat picked up and I could feel the nerves running through my body.

"Now is not the time Ever you must run, must train, become more powerful, so you can kill him, KILL HIM,"

The dark voice in my head rang those words like church bells as I took off running, My speed was twice as fast as before. The dark chakra slowly started to fade as I got closer and closer to konoha. The gates came into view as I saw 4 figures leaving the village. Slowing down to a walk, I saw all of the figures look at me with wide eyes.

Looking down at myself I found that I was just covered in the criminals blood. Shit they probably think it's mine too. Stopping right in front of the group I got a good look at who all was there. Kakashi, A pink Haired fangirl, Naruto, and the depressed emo uchiha.

"What the hell happened to you?" the pinkett said as she wrinkled her nose. "You smell like rotting eggs," I just frowned at her comment as I looked at Kakashi.

"Their all dead," was all I said as I passed him to get to the village.


"Their all dead," my eyes widdened as she passed me to get into the village. That wasn't her blood it was her victaims. I shook my head and looked down at my students. Naruto looked confused by her comment, well sakura looked freaked, but sasuke just looked deep in thought.

"Who was that kakashi-sensi,?" they don't even know that she was one of their classmate.

"Shes a genin just like you, but alot more advanced in skill... she was just on a solo mission," Their little eyes all became six times bigger.

"Well guys lets get going," I smiled at my students before looking behind me. I have seen her before I just cant remeber where. Shaking my head I followed behind my students and the bridge builder.

Ever pov

Slaming my door, I through my shit on the table and made my way to the shower. Stripping from my bloodied clothes and stepping into the water, I thought about how the exam would go. I would be all alone so some extra training would be good, but there was one problem father was going to be there.

He had been planning to curse the uchiha like he did to so many others, father knew that the uchiha would come looking for him, it was a for sure thing. All uchihas are fueled by hate and power, the more they have, the crazier they become. Stepping out of the shower, I put on a red and white kimono, my black finger less gloves and some combat boots.

A buff of smoke suddenly appered in my living room as I was about to leave. It was just Arthur and the hokage. The hokage was wearing what looked like a training uniform, well arthur just sat down like the lazy fox he is.

"So Ever I see you were successful on you misssion, now how about we head to the training grounds," He gave me a closed eye smile as I raised my eye brow.

"I train alone,"My voice was void of any emotion as I looked at him. His face fell for a minute into a frown before he smiled again.

"Well today we train toghter, I am your Sensi/Hokage so you have to lisen to me," He gave me a evil smile as I grunted.

"Fine!" I glared at him as he gave me a inoccent smile, isn't he like 65, why is he acting like a child. I sighed and shook my had as I followed him to the training grounds.

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