Team Me!!

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The sun shone down making everywhere in konoha warm. Today was the day we would find out what teams we are being put on and who are sensi is. The city was busy as always people getting groceries and street stands lined the walk way. Well I was just looking around at my surrounds I could tell that someone was following me. Taking a sharp left into an ally way, I sprinted coming up to a dead end. I jumped landing on the roof of a clothing shop.

"Okay who the hell is following me? come out I can tell your watching me!!!" A man with silver spiked hair jumped off from another roof just a little higher than the one I was on. He had the bottom half of his face covered and his left eye. He had to be a jounin no older than 26. He just stood there his hands in his pockets looking at me with his one eye.

Kakashi Pov

The girl known as Ever just staired back at me an angery look forming on her face. She was pretty for sure with her long hair and yellow eyes, her mid thigh length kimono dress was black with blue makings on it. She had her leaf head band around her neck and two swords slung across her back.

"Hey old man how about you stop stairing and tell me why the f**k your following me?," my eyes widened but than went back to normal.

"The hokage wants to see you," was all I said before turning and leaving.

Ever Pov

The hokage wants to see me, why in the world would that old bat want with me. The man who gave me the note left as I jumped from roof to roof to get to the hokages tower. The wind wipped me as I picked up my speed not wanting to waste anymore time.

Time Laps

Standing in the hokages office my mouth dropped to the floor.

"You mean to tell me im on a team by myself with no partners and your my sensi?" I pointed to myself and than at the hokage. My father would be pissed if he new that his old sensi was now mine.

"Yes Ever you see we have been watching you even when you think your alone, so I have seen how advanced your skills really are so I'm going to take you under my wing and train you," He simpley smiled at me as some of the jounin who i'm guessing are going to be sensi's for my classmates walked in, thats when I saw him the man from earlier.

"Ever I want to give you a C rank mission just to get you started," the hokage looked through some papers as some of the jounin looked baffled.

"But hokage," this jounin had a smoke hanging out of his mouth and he looked pretty chill if he didn't look freaked out right now. "She just got out of the acadamy you can't let her go alone with no jounin on a C rank!" everyone nodded their heads as the silver haired man just staired.

"Ever is my student if I think she can handle it she can handle it that is that," With that the hokage handed me a fill. As i opened it i saw pictures of crimanls, the detals of what they do, and where they are right now.

"These are the crimanls that you will go after and kill," said the hokage plainly. When I looked closer I saw that most of them where hanging out around the Hidden grass village.

"So you want me to find and kill these crimanls that are what just hanging out somewhere," I looked back up from the paper and just looked blankly at him, there is no point to this mission I thought.

"No Ever they arent just hanging out there, we got a requested from the hidden grass to send someone to kill them off, they have been torturing a village not to far from there's and it's getting out of hand." I nodded my head before putting the folder in my bag.

"I leave as soo..,"

"Hold up Hokage you can't just let her go on that mission alone it could turn into a B rank or evem worse a A rank," This was now the silver haired man who spoke up.

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