Lost control

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Ever POV
It has been five days of waiting, waiting for people to make it back from the forest of death. In that time I have been hanging out with Garra a lot, we ended up talking a lot about are childhoods and we spent all night just talking.
I felt normal around him which was a good thing, I think?

Sitting in the living room of the tower Garra had just come clean out about his plan to attack the leaf village in the final exam.

"I wasn't supposed to tell you Ever but I know I can trust you and I was wondering if you would help and leave the leaf village?" Garra's sea foam eyes bore into mine as I weighed my opinions.

I could fight against the leaf village to be with Garra or stay and maybe never see Garra again. Even though I might think this is easy and I should just stay, Garra and I have become close over the past couple days and I don't think I could handle leaving him. My bloodlust tames the one tails for him when ever we are around each other. I calm the beast in him and he calms the demon in me.
Looking back up at Garra I see his eyes are still trained on me.

"I'll fight with you," I know what my heart wants and with him I don't feel alone I'm not lost anymore.

Garra POV
"I'll fight with you," those four  words were the happiest things I've ever heard, even though I've only known her for a little while it feels like we have known each other for ever. she calms the beast in me so I can sleep at night.
I love her for fuck sacks.
And if she had said no I would have kidnapped her. But she said yes, she is willing to be with me and leave her village.
I love this girl to the moon and back, and nothing could change it.

3rd person POV
A beep went off through out the tower signalling the end of the 2 exam. Ever and Garra walked down the stairs to a big training room. everyone was lined up with there group looking up at the hokage, Ever just zoned out as he explained that there had to be a pleminary around.
Titling her head to look up she say a jounin from the grass village, her eyes filled with anger as she glared up at her father. Garra looked over at Ever than looked to the guy she was glaring at.
She must not like him, Garra thought to himself. People just looked at each other as they made there way into the stands. The man coughed out a couple of the rules before everyone turned there heads to look at the big screen. Two names popped up.
"Would Ever Yuan and Chi Tami come down for the first match," the man covered his mouth as he coughed for the billionth time.

Evers POV
Flashing down to the centre of the gym I looked at s tall girl from the grass village looking back at me, she had long black hair and green eyes, she was slim with little muscle to her. she wore a black pair of shorts with a green crop top. She gave me what I think was a death glare with a little smug smile.
"Your going down," her voice held pure hate for me.

"Maybe you should rethink that," I gave her my famous demon smile as she just glared at me.
The man over to the right cleared his throat with a nervous cough.

"So here are the rules. cough. the first one to take the other person out wins . You can us any skills you have and if both of you come to a tie you will not move forward," he nods as he looked between me and Chi.

"1....2......3 began," with that I jumped back from Chi. Forming the hand signs u spoke lowly so she wouldn't here me.
"Blood possession," I saw Chi look a little weird before she shook her head.

"Looks like what ever you did don't really work hahahahahahahah you dum leaf genin always crake me up," a smirks makes it's way on to me face as I took a kunai out of my pouch. As Chi was laughing I quickly took the kunai and sliced myself right a cross the stomach.
Chi's faced turned up in pain as she began to scream. Everyone looked around confused until Chi removed her hands from her stomach, the cut that was on her stomach looked just like the one on mine. Everyone gasped as I cut myself down my left arm. the cut showed up on Chi's left arm.

"What is this... what have you done to me," her voice held fear and her eyes held pain.

Laughing madly I put the kunai to my neck, her face went to total fear as she pleaded for me not to do it.

"This is my blood possession, any cuts I get you get but the thing is I can't die unlike you," A blood lust smile made its way on to my face as I laugh madly again.

"Do it" a voice in my head said.
"Slice her neck open, than take a drink of that sweet blood of hers," the voice sounded mad. I felt myself slip to the crazy blood lust side of my brain.

My eyes instantly went red and my hair went pure white. All of my teeth sharpened into shark like teeth as I stated down Chi.

"Your blood will taste sweet," my voice didn't even sound like mine but once those 5 words came out, I sliced my throat and flashed to Chi's side grabbing her as I put my mouth over the cut on her neck and drank her blood. It was sweet like dark chocolate but also sour like green apples. Taking my mouth off her neck I felt my teeth turn to normal, my hair and eyes also changing back.

Dropping Chi's lifeless body from my hold I turned around and walked away. I could hear the gasps and whispers from the others in the crowd but I didn't care.

I have never lost control like that, but now that I have had a taste of human blood I want more. This is a new side to myself that I wished my mom was still a live to tell me what clan I came from.
Cause no clan that I have heard of has the bloodlust demon side that I do.

When I leave this place I'm going to find out the secrets of my past and what I truly am.

Garra POV
I watched as they declared Ever the winner and pulled the other girls dead body out of the room. Ever was right beside me in a a flash, wrapping my arms around her waist, I smelt her hair and than kisses her on the cheek.
"You did good Ever," she looked up at me and gave me a side smile. before looking back down to the floor to see sasuke and another ninja get ready to fight.

"Ever what's wrong," she turned around in my hold to face me. she snuggled into my chest before looking back into my eyes.

"I have never lost control like that to the point were I drink a humans blood, I need to find out which clan my mother came from so I can find out what I am..." her voice faded of into nothing more than I whisper.
She placed her head on my chest as she took a deep breath.

"When we get out of the exam I will help you with what ever you need," kissing her forehead, I let her rest against my chest as the the exam went on..

"I love you Ever," she looked up at me surprised before her face turned into pure happiness as she went on to her tippy toes to kiss my lips.

"I love you too Garra," and with that she fell asleep in my arms resting her head on my chest.

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