Chapter 80

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Amy's POV:

"You're.." Vik stopped taking a deep breath. I already know what she's gonna say.

"You're pregnant Amy.." she finally said. My world shattered right there. Don't get me wrong I would love to have a baby but I'm only 18 for god sake and this wasn't planned at all. What am I gonna do? Shawn would hate me and blame this on me because I convinced him that I was on birth control. He will leave me forever. I will have to raise this child on my own. What would Jayden think of this? He would kill me if he found out that I was carrying Shawn's baby. My parents? What about them? I know I haven't seen them in a while but I recently got a text that they're coming home soon.

"What am- oh my god" I started hyperventilating. I couldn't breathe and I had the feeling that I was about to faint.

"Woah woah Amy slow down. Breathe in breathe out" Vik said making me sit down on my bed. I couldn't believe that I was pregnant. How could I be this stupid? How could I let this happen? Tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Amy, you got a few options here.." she said.

"You can either get an abortion or you'll take care of the baby with or without Shawn." She said making me go cold. I would never get an abortion. It's not in my blood to kill an innocent baby. But I don't want to raise the baby alone either. I want the baby to have a special bond with the father. I want to raise this baby with Shawn.

"I'm definitely not getting an abortion. You know I'm not like that" I said looking at Vik as the tears continued to roll down my face.

"I know Amy I know" she said holding me tight and kissing my head.

"I'll promise you that I will help you to take care of the baby. I will be there when you need me but for now.."

"You have to tell Shawn" Vik said making me widen my eyes.

"No please let me keep it a secret please. I-"

"You have to Amy. I know it's hard and scary but he has the right to know" Vik said cutting me off. She grabbed my phone and went to my conversation with Shawn and gave it back to me.

"Text him"

I knew that I didn't had a choice. I knew that I needed to text him. He had the right to know that he's going to be a dad even though he hurt me multiple times. He needed to know.

To Shawn:

Me: hey we need to talk..

Shawn: whats they're to talk about? Don't you got another dude?


Me: no I haven't talked to him in a while and nothing happened between you unlike you. You apparently already jumped into another girls pants. And I don't care anymore but this is really important and you should know this.

You do care stfu Amy.

Shawn: ugh fine. 7 pm my house.

"7 pm it is.." I said looking at Vik.


Hours had passed and it was 6:45 pm. I need to go. I pulled up in his street and opened my car door revealing his front door.

Well here goes nothing.

I walked towards the front door and knocked lightly and the door opened right away revealing the boy that I'm in love with. The boy that made my heart skip a beat whenever he touched me.

"Hey" Shawn said softly.

"Hi" I said looking down trying to break the awkward eye contact. Shawn backed up a little gesturing for me to come inside.

I sat down on the couch and Shawn grabbed a glass of water for the both of us. He finally sat down making me nervous. I can back up now.

No you can't.

"So what's so important for you to talk to me?" He said.

"Uhm so.."

"Remember that one night where we had you know.. fun?"

"A little more specific Amy" he said raising his eyebrow.

"That one night where I told you to not grab a condom and that I was on birth control?" I said ashamed.

"Oh yeah I know why?" He asked confused.

"I'm Uhm-"

"You're what?"

"I'm pregnant Shawn." I said. Shawn dropped the glass of water as soon as he heard the word pregnant. The glass broke into a million pieces and water covered the floor.

"YOURE WHAT?" He yelled making me flinch at his words. I wanted to say something but I kept quiet not trying to make it worse. He paced back and forth with his hands in his hair.

"You're getting an abortion" he finally said. My stomach dropped and tears formed into my eyes. He really wants to kill our baby?

"ARE YOU SERIOUS SHAWN?" I said raising my voice.

"you really wanna kill "our" baby?" I asked. He just simply nodded and looked away.

"You know what I'm sick and tired of this. You always blame me for everything! You're blaming me for our so called shitty relationship when you're the one who's fucking other woman here and now you're blaming me for this?" I snapped standing up.

He looked at me in disgust and didn't say a word.

"I should've known that you never changed. Congrats on being the fuck boy again, it's what you're best at"

"Thanks for breaking my heart Shawn for third time! Oh and if you're wondering I'm not getting an abortion. I'll take care of this baby myself" and just like that I walked to the door and I was gone.

Hey you guys sorry for the late update again. There's so much shit going on in my life right now that I didn't had time and motivation to write anything but here ya go. Amy is pregnant and Shawn's back to being a jerk again. What do you hope will happen?

Vote if you liked!

Word count: 1009

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