Chapter 85

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Shawn's POV:

I had to see her. I just had to. I can't get her out of my mind. It has gotten to the point where I can't even focus on my performances anymore . I mess up the lyrics and I sometimes just stop singing. I need her. I want her. She's the only thing that's on my mind right now and I've had enough. I hate that I can't see her. I hate that she's hanging out with another dude. I hate that I can't hold her and tell her sweet things. I hate that I can't sing her favorite songs to her anymore. I hate that I can't kiss her. I'm going crazy without her. She's all I need.

Hours went by and I couldn't stop thinking about what I wanted to say to her. Before I knew it the clock hit 9:30 pm and Amy could be here any minute. I got up and quickly put on some cologne. I heard the doorbell and my heart did a little backflip. she's here. I took one last glance in the mirror and walked to the door. I took one last breath and opened the door.

"Hey..." a nervous Amy said.

"Hey come in... please"


Amy's POV:

I walked to his condo and took on deep breath. I can leave right now if I want to. no Amy you're not leaving. Am I ready to face him? No but I know that this will eventually happen anyway. Better now than never. I need to get this over with. I need to know his story. Okay here we go. I rang the doorbell and the door opened revealing the boy that I'm still in love with.

"Hey..." I nervously said looking down.

"Hey come in... please" he said. I walked past him and went straight to the living room. I took off my jacket and gently sat down on the couch holding my belly. Shawn quickly grabbed a pillow and put it behind my back for more support.

"Thank you" I whispered. He smiled and grabbed something to drink for the both of us. He came back with some soda and sat down in front of me. Both of us didn't say a word. All we did was stare at each other. His eyes were still to die for and his lips were perfectly shaped. I wish I could kiss him right here but I knew that I couldn't do that since he broke my heart.

"Okay so what do you wanna talk about?" I said breaking the ice.

"I wanna talk about us... and the baby" he said nervously looking at his lap while playing with his fingers. I nodded and waited for him to say something.

"Amy I- I miss you. That's it I said it. I fucking miss you" he said with watery eyes.

"I can't stop thinking about you and I am so so sorry about what I said about you know.. the baby. I should of never said that. I was just so scared to be a dad so young. I didn't know what to do. I panicked."

"You were scared?" I said frustrated. He nodded and looked down.

"What do you think I felt then? I was scared as fuck. I'm just as young as you Shawn! But that's not the only thing I was scared of.." I stopped whipping a tear away.

"I was scared that the father of this innocent baby would leave me!" I said making Shawn look at me with guilt in his eyes. But I wasn't done yet.

"I was scared that I had to raise this baby all by myself. I was scared that I would have to go to all the doctors appointments by myself!" I said as more tears rolled down my cheeks. Shawn looked at me with a shock on his face not knowing what to say. He looked down and I saw tears falling down onto his pants. Should I feel guilty? No Amy you shouldn't he's the wrong one here.

"I'm- I can't tell you how guilty I feel for saying those things to you"

"I left you when you needed me the most and it hurts me more and more every single day.." he sighed.

"Amy you don't know how messed up I've been feeling since all of this happened between us. I haven't slept in days, haven't eaten anything and I constantly forget my lyrics during performances. Amy I'm still crazy about you. I've never stopped loving you"

I couldn't believe what he just said. He still loves me? My heart was beating so fast and I couldn't move.

"What?" I managed to say.

"Yes Amy I am still in love with you." He said sitting next to me holding my hands.

"I knew you were the one when I first met you. Your eyes are the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. I could get lost in them forever. Your nose is too cute, your lips are perfectly shaped I could kiss them all day if I had the chance. And your smile is the most beautiful bright smile ever."

"And your body is perfect just the way it is. I know you're insecure about it but trust me I've seen you and you're perfect to me" he said as a tear rolled down his cheek. My heart.

"And I made a huge mistake when I said those things about the baby. I was just scared and I just didn't know how to react but Amy I'm telling you I would love to start a family with you. I want to raise our baby together"

"Please Amy give me another chance. Pleaseee" I heard his voice crack. Should I give him one more chance? Is this what the baby deserves?

I closed my eyes and thought about it for a minute. Okay this is what the baby deserves. The baby deserves to have a father figure in her/his life.

"Okay I give you one more chance and if you screw it up again it's over! Please don't bail on me this time okay? please" I said looking at him. He jumped in the air and started screaming thank you over and over again and couldn't help but laugh at his reaction. I missed him.

"I got a doctors appointment tomorrow! Promise me that you'll be there please? I want you there!" I asked him.

"I will, I promise" he said hugging me.

I took the time to write this one and I'm actually pretty damn proud of it! I hope that you guys find this special since I don't update as much anymore. It would mean a lot if you'd give me some feedback.

Vote if you liked it!

Word count: 1136

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