CHAPTER 03: Meri Mishti...

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Arnav entered the room, with Khushi still securely in his arms as he closed the door after he had put her down. As soon as the doors were shut, Khushi didn't leave a second to crash into his arms and cry her heart out. He knew this part was going to be the hardest part for her, especially with Buaji's taunts.

Arnav: "Khushi...Khushi...Look at me" He said cupping her face as he wiped each tear away. "It's not your fault...So don't you dare think it is" He said sternly but softened when he saw that she was still crying.

So don't you dare think it is" He said sternly but softened when he saw that she was still crying

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"Because you're my 'Mishti', right? Too sweet to hurt anybody...!" He said as made her sit on the bed and calmed her down.

!" He said as made her sit on the bed and calmed her down

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"But one thing I haven't yet understood Khushi..." He said as she looked at him.

" He said as she looked at him

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"You said your name is Khushi Aditya Raichodhary? And Buaji...She said your parents..." He tried to utter the sentences without reminding her of the moments that happened downstairs.

Khushi: "That's my real name..." She interrupted seeing his dilemma. "My parents...Aditya Raichodhary and Kashish Raichodhary. My mumma married dad against her family because...Because she had an inter-faith marriage...My dad...My dad was a Bengali" She said which amazed Arnav. He smiled at the fact that Khushi was originally Bengali.

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