CHAPTER 12: Trouble in paradise

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The beeping of the annoying morning alarm disturbed Khushi's sleep as she half-asleep with eyes still close patted around to her bedside table, turning off the damn annoying thing. And though she wanted to go back to sleep as thanks to her naughty husband who didn't let her sleep until wee hours at early morning, she knew she had to wake up and get ready after then prepare for morning aarti like good bahu.

Opening her eyes lazily as she looked beside her to see her devil of a husband sleeping like an innocent baby with a cute pout, she just melted at how cute he looked while sleeping. Khushi peppered kiss all over his face not being able to resist herself and wrapped silk sheets around her to cover herself and tried to get up, but was instantly pulled back making her crush to Arnav's chest.

Arnav in sleep husky voice said: "Where are you going...? Don't you want your return kiss???" he opened his eyes and winked at her naughtily.

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Saying so Arnav held Khushi and brought his lips to hers making her get lost in his touch as the kiss started as a soft tender kiss which turned into passionate, wild and desire full. Arnav rolled them making Khushi lay flat on her back as he hovered over her still kissing her passionately and with all the love and desire he had for which made Khushi loose her in-habitations and control as he kissed the daylight out of her. They pulled apart finally feeling breathless; Arnav looked at his wife's lovely face which had turned into lovely shade of red hue, her eyes closed as she slowly opened her eyes looked at him with the love of entire world as he brushed off the baby-hair behind her ear and said in a husky voice: "Good morning, Mishti."

Khushi lowered her eyes shyly turning brighter red if possible and her chest still heaving up-down from the breathlessness trying to catch her breath with her smudged sindoor and lipstick made her more aphrodisiac in Arnav's eyes as he felt his desires for her rise again. So he put a finger under her chin and made her look up, said in husky desire filled voice: "This morning is good, but I can think of few things to make this morning even better..."

With suggestive naughty look on his face which always left Khushi shy and rendering her speechless and powerless in front of him. Then Arnav slowly pulled the sheets off her which she was using to cover herself and lowered his lips on her taking her in a passionate kiss, taking her in a world filled with desire and loved only he can take her to... in which where only them wrapped in their little bubble of love.

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