CHAPTER 07: Amaye Ador Kor... (Love me...)

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Arnav: "Khushi...!" She started walking across the hall to the stairs when she stopped hearing Arnav's voice.

Khushi: "Hmm?"

Arnav: "Chalo, Aren't you going to make breakfast"

Khushi: "I will after they finish the Puja. I need to go upstairs and get your things ready"

Arnav: "Later, I'm hungry. It's going to take quite a while for them to finish their Puja" He pouted. "I need my meds too"

Khushi: "Acha Baba, Chalo" She said walking towards the kitchen to carry out the Chula Rasam for the first day of cooking at her in-laws, whilst he breathed a sigh of relief. 

Seeing her walk back to the kitchen, he quickly rushed up to his room and picked up the bags he had left in there earlier. He smiled thinking about what she would say when she would see his surprise.



He had just come out of the shower to see the workers finishing off the remaining parts of the surprise while he made himself presentable. He double-checked everything, making sure everything was perfect and when satisfied with what he saw, he sneaked the workers out of the back door, making sure nobody noticed them. And with Khushi engrossed in her cooking, and the rest of the family stuck in the Mandir, this wasn't so difficult. 

He walked over to the living room calmly to see the rest of the family exiting the Mandir, all looking extremely exhausted. Arnav quickly diverted his attention to his wife who seemed to be still engrossed in the kitchen by the sounds of it so he walked up stairs to check everything one last time. 

Arnav: "Mishti...!" He screamed out repeatedly, whilst everyone was wondering who the hell he was calling. They all looked around to see if any one of them would respond but was shocked when they saw Khushi coming out of the kitchen.

Khushi: "Coming...!" She screamed out and it didn't take long for the rest of them to realize who Mishti was. 

Hearing this Lavanya was on fire...He never called her anything other than Lavanya; he didn't even give her a loving nickname after dating for years. Here, it hadn't been barely a year since Khushi has entered his life, and look at them...

Anjali: "Chotte has changed much towards Khushiji..." She said slowly not knowing whether she was saying this in a happy or displeased way. "It seems like nothing even matters to him anymore" She said in her mind. 

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