Author's Note

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Tuesday, 6 November 2018Hello lovelies,

I'm am alive and yes I know I went missing again without notice but I swear it wasn't my intention. I already announced earlier this year that am going to get married soon and hence I am back home in Kolkata till my wedding for which hardly a month is left, it's like on December 2nd *still hardly could believe it's happening*

Anyway I had planned to update now and my dad was going to leave at home instead of taking it Ambala with him. But my sister broke the laptop and dad took it with him to repair now I can't update. My is going to be coming home after 15th and that time it will be busy home with wedding preps. So I'll see if I can update or else next update after 15th December when am at Bangalore and no hindrance to update.

Please keep patince and I promise to finish my stories, my fiancé won't let me leave them and I can't too.

Wish you happy Diwali and take care...

With love,

Here you get answers about update 

Have patience Guy's 

Love Swasaniarshi

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