Chapter 20(A): "Ishq mein..."

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[Bengali conversation is used, translation is given in (italics)]

"And I'll be gone, gone tonight
The ground beneath my feet is open wide
The way that I've been holdin' on too tight
With nothing in between"

- 'Story of My Life', One Direction

HP asked politely: "Ji, aap logo ko kise milna hai?" to the unknown elder couple. (Yes, who do you want to meet?)

The elder man in suit who had a big gift in hand questioned in: "Titli hai?" his voice pleasant and polite but still held an undertone of authority. (Is Titli here?)

HP frowned in confusion: "Titli..? Ji yaha koi titli nahi rahta..." wondering why would a butterfly be living in this house and anybody come asking about it. (Titli..? There is no titli living here...)

The elder man asked back: "This is Raizada residence, right...Arnav Singh Raizada's house?"

HP replied politely: "Yes, this is Arnav Singh Raizada's house but there is no titli here." feeling confused as to why was this man asking about a butterfly living in this house.

Just then from behind came Arnav's voice asking: "HP, who is it?" from the living room.

HP answered looking over his shoulder towards living room: "Don't know Arnav Bhaiyya but they asking for 'Titli'..." then turned around to look back at the couple on the door.

Hearing HP, Khushi mumbles: "Hum se milne kon aaya hai..." then got and called out louder, "HP who is it?" walking towards the door with Arnav following after her as they walked towards the door.

HP stepped aside revealing the elderly couple and Khushi stop in her tracks and her face a perfect picture of three O's in shock as she stood there like statue staring at the couple, blinking in disbelieve. Seeing Khushi the elderly couple smiled at her affectionately with eyes glittering with unshed tears, the elderly man says: "Surprise!" opening his arms.

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Khushi seems to snap out of whatever daze she was in: "AAHHHHHH RISHIIIII!!" literally screaming out loud she ran and tackling the elderly man in a tight hug who also hugged her back almost lifting her off her feet.

Much to everyone shock, Khushi tightened her arms around him and snuggled closer in the very familiar protective warm embrace she was back after a long time which made her start sobbing hard. Rishi patted her hair and softly mumbling sweet nothings in her ears: "Shhh Titli its okay...stop crying..." tries to stop her crying as he pulled back and wiped her tears softly.

Khushi somehow manages to stop crying and speaks: "I- I just... ami khub m- miss korechi to- tomake... I- I st- still can't be- believe that you're here... I- I told y- you... bolechilam ami, jayeo na... jayeo na amaye okhane eka chere... ki- kintu tumi chole gale... Kano chole gale Rishi? Amaye kano sa- saathe niye gale na..? Ato kha- kharab ami je ek- eka chere cho- chole gale?" she was a complete blabbering mess in-between her little sniffs and hiccups. (I- I just... I m- missed you so much... I- I st- still can't be- believe that you're here... I- I told y- you... I told you, don't leave... don't leave me there alone... bu- but you left... Why did you leave Rishi? Why di- didn't you take m- me with you..? Was I that ba- bad that you le- left me a- alone?)

Rishi side hugged her again as he consoled her: "I'm sorry... so very sorry for leaving you there, ami toke chare ashte chai ni kintu amar kichu korar chilo na... Tui toh amar shona may, tui kharab hobe kano... ke bolo toke tui kharab..? Shhh ashe gachi ami, r jabo na toke chere... It's okay Titli." rubbing her back in comforting gesture to calm her. (I'm sorry... so very sorry for leaving you there, I didn't want to leave you but I didn't have any other option... You're my sweet girl, why would you be b ad... who told that you're bad..? Shhh I'm here now, I'm not going anywhere leaving you... It's okay Titli.)

At this moment Khushi reminded Rishi of the scared little 10 years old girl she was when Gupta family took her away from everything, she knew making him hug her close more protectively. Over the last 12-13 years after Gupta family took Khushi under their wing they had tried to cut her off completely from anyone related to her father's family. But that doesn't mean they haven't kept an eye on her all these years, Rishi kept a watch on Khushi and even met her once or twice in a year unknown to the Gupta family. Over the years every time she had seen him first time or when he had to leave, she would cry like this, wanting to him to take her with him and he felt so helpless, this is why he'll always hate Guptas'.

Khushi calmed down considerably much but still hugging Rishi tight as if she let goes off him and he'll leave again. The elderly lady shed few tears seeing Khushi so emotional and she wiped her tears quickly, says in fake sad tone: "Acha Titli tor Rishi ke dekhe, tor G-maa ke bhoole gali..?" making the pair turn their heads towards her. (So Titli getting your Rishi, you forgot your G-maa..?)

Khushi pulled out of the elder man's arms and went to tackle the lady in hug exclaiming: "G-maa!! I missed you soooo much..."

The elderly lady hugged her back and pulled back a little: "Haan haan dekhlam koto amaye miss korecho..." she said moodily. (Yes yes I saw exactly how much you missed me...)

Khushi coo-ed: "Aww G-maa, don't get upset know I love you soooo much, my sweet sweet G-maa..." as she hugged her back trying to pacify her.

Rishi comments teasingly: "Come on Gayatri; don't get jealous now just cause I'm Titli's favorite..." this earned him a playful swat from Khushi as she hugged Gayatri more.

Gayatri shook her head not being able to fake anger anymore seeing her Titli's cuteness: "You just know the right ways to melt hearts Titli..." as she caressed Khushi's face lovingly, "You've grown up so much from the last time I had seen you which was like after you finished high school and looking through college options for admission...which happened like 06 years ago or something. It's so nice that I finally see you in front of me... Mera bacha!" she kissed Khushi's forehead almost crying out of happiness of finally seeing her after so long.

Khushi sniffs almost whining: "G-maa you're going to make me cry again..." as she hugged the lady who just patted her head with motherly affection.

The three of them were so busy in their little reunion that they didn't notice the rest of the audience watching them with varied emotions. In one hand the Raizada family was confused about the new entries while the Gupta ladies recognized them well enough and to say they were shocked would be an understatement. Arnav was softly smiling seeing Khushi so happy at that moment seeing the people who she literally considered family and he could just see how much these people love her.

He walked up to them and spoke with amused smile: "Biwi are you just want to keep them standing at the door, monopolizing them or get them inside and introduce to all?" making them turns their attention to him.

Khushi pulled away from her G-maa's embrace and to look at her husband: "I'm turning so manner less..." face palming at her lack of manners.

Arnav smiled at her assuring: "That's okay; I'm here to remind you..." moving towards the two new people to welcome them.

He bent to Gayatri's touch feet and she blessed him, kissing his forehead giving a motherly-affectionate smile: "Jeete raho beta, how are you...?"

Arnav replied standing up straight: "Fine auntie, how are you all..?" giving her a charming smile.

Gayatri: "I'm fine and even better after seeing my Titli and meeting her Arnav...also call me G-maa like Titli does." patting his cheek lightly.

Arnav: "Yes G-maa..." giving her smile and move to touch Rishi's feet to take his blessing.

Rishi blessed him: "Jeete raho..." received a smile from Arnav as he straightened and inquired, "I hope you're taking care of my Titli good?"

Arnav replied: "Now you're here, so ask yourself if I'm taking care of her or not..." giving his award-winning smile.

Rishi laughed patting his back: "I like you already, young man." then turning to Khushi said to her, "Titli he is just as charming and gentleman as you said he'll be, you found yourself better man than we could've ever find for you. One in a million is your Arnav like you're."

Khushi moved besides Arnav hold his arm with a smile: "I told you Rishi, my Arnav is a gem." and gave Arnav a dazzling-dimple smile looking up at him feeling him sneak his arm around her waist pulling her close to his side smiling at her in return looking down at her .

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