CHAPTER 11: Desperate times need desperate measures!

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  It was almost 07:30 pm as Khushi looked at the clock started pushing Arnav off her, she needs to get up and prepare for dinner and it was getting late. So she started wiggling more getting restless which was starting to annoy Arnav as it was disturbing his ministration. Irritated Arnav said lifting his head from her neck where he was nibbling giving her hickeys: "Stop wiggling so much, you are disturbing me!"

Khushi: "Get off me Arnav, I've dinner to make and it's getting late. Please hato na"

Arnav: "Arre yaar, why do you need to cook? There are so many servants here for that."looking at her lovely face as he brushed a lock of hair behind her ear.

  Khushi replied: "That was before you and Akashji got married, now there are two new daughter-in-laws in this house have and it's our duty that is what I have been taught since child. Now let me go and dress up" wiggling more restlessly but she giggled due to his stubble tickling her.  

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But seeing in him in no mood of letting her go rather he tighten his hold to keep her in place, Khushi stopped wiggling and wrapped her arms around his neck. Arnav smirked smugly thinking she gave up and bend up to capture her rosy lips and he was just inches away from her lips as his hold on her loosen of which taking advantage Khushi pushed him off her, which took him off-guard as he fell off her and she quickly wrapped sheet around her bolted to washroom leaving a stunted Arnav behind on bed.

Arnav recovered from him shock and rush to washroom door knocking furiously shouting: "Mishti open the door, I'm warning you it won't be good for you when you come out. Khushi open the door!!"

  All he got in response were sounds of her laughter which despite everything brought content feeling to him that she is happy with him. Khushi replied from other side of door: "Sorry Arnav, but you weren't letting me go and it's getting late I had to do something. Now let me take a quick shower I need to prepare dinner also."

Arnav shook his head and picked his discarded trouser wearing it quickly, started fixing their bed and picked his scattered clothes. He was about to pick Khushi's sari when the bathroom door opened and she came out wearing a white fluffy bathrobe and motioned him to go freshen up as she herself picked up her scattered cloths, smiling at her Arnav pecked at her cheek went to take quick shower. Khushi gathered her blouse and petticoat, blouse and sari wearing them again. She stood in front of mirror of dressing table but looking at her reflection she groaned frustrated knowing she couldn't wear them because of all the hickeys Arnav has given her, especially on her waist and making a face now that she has to change this sari, cursing Arnav.
Arnav came out of bathroom with towel wrapped at that moment to see his Mishti standing in front of dressing table making cute faces and felt his desires spike up seeing her delectable self in that red sari with blouse held by two dories at back and her slim wait in display. He made way to her and slipped his arms around her waist and rested his chin on her right shoulder said huskily: "Do you have any idea how edible you look right now, Mishti? I just wanna eat you up." Bit her shoulder softly as her looked at her expression on mirror reflection.

Khushi glared at him through mirror and angrily huffed replying: "Look at what have you done, I can't wear this sari anymore with all these marks, especially on my waist and back. Move aside now I've to change again in something to hide these" pushing his arms off her, giving him one last glare she hurried to the walk-in wardrobe to look for something suitable to wear which could hide the love bites.

Arnav felt dumb-folded at her and shaking his head went to dress up wearing his earlier cloths. As he slipped his jacket on and saw the closet door open as now dressed in another red sari with black border and black halter blouse with silver rose design, her long curly hair in designer bun and he was again wanted to take her to bed and never leave the room. Khushi walked to dresser and checked herself, quickly applied lipstick and satisfied with herself smiled brightly.  

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