CHAPTER 13: Aaya dilliwali girlfriend chor chhad ke...

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The entire day had been quite entertaining and surprised filled for the employees of AR Designs; so much so that they are gonna mark this day as red day on their calendars. The first and foremost shocking thing after the morning greeting was the usual fire-breathing dragon ASR was in unusual happy and mellow mood, not to forget he daydreaming love-sick teenager expression with puppy-eyes he had... especially whenever he was talking on phone in his free time, wasn't only the end. The ASR, who never ever showed his emotions especially in office except a few occasional episodes if something happened to his Di, was now doing an open public display of affection towards his newly wedded wife. The ASR who never kept a photo of his dearest Di on his desk, whom he loved so much, always keeping her photo in his desk first drawer, has now put a life-size post-wedding photo of his and his wife in which Khushi was in simple white sari with red boarder stood smile as Arnav stood behind her smiling with his arm around her waist and chin resting in her shoulder smiling looking at her with adorning eyes (The photo taken on first day of marriage morning in room) in his cabin which covered almost whole of the wall behind his desk...also quite a number of photo frames kept on his desk with two having Khushi's single photo as bride and three photos of their of them exchanging garlands, second they both stood side-hugging after the marriage rituals were over with Khushi's head on his chest as Arnav looking down at her and third a photo of Khushi smiling sweetly with eyes lowered in shyness while Arnav with a lopsided smile on his lips watching his wife with adorning eyes in a digital photo-frame. Not only changes in cabin, the great ASR had changed his phone screensaver and desktop photo into his wife's photo and had called her at every free time he would get in-between his busy schedule. Thirdly, he hasn't shouted or blasted at any employee all morning...not even Aman which definitely makes it a historical day for the AR employees.

But as they say good things don't last forever and like the saying goes, ASR's good mood too didn't last for long as the morning passed and afternoon rolled along with the sun's heat increased and so did ASR's temper, all thanks to Miss. Lavanya Kashyap. The moment she entered AR Designs she had started her daily tantrums and also seems like she had decided to tag after ASR everywhere for something or the other, even for the stupidest reason which finally started to turn his mood sour. So by lunch time ASR was back in his breathing-fire dragon mood....angry fire-breathing dragon thought the poor employees who were trying to save themselves from the angry dragon's wrath while cursing Lavanya for bringing it upon all.

Arnav came to office in a very good mood; he doesn't remember when he was this happy and content last time. And this was all because of his Mishti; her thoughts never left him and so didn't the smile on his face. He was missing her a lot, hence had called her multiple times in his free times in-between his busy schedule reminding her about their lunch plan to which she laughed off saying that she remembers but if he doesn't let her finish cooking than how is she suppose to bring lunch for him and he replied flirting with her that he would happily have her in lunch, dinner or breakfast over food any day if he has a choice, making her blush in all shades of red and him laugh out loud, as giving her a loud 'mwah' he kept the call. And he couldn't wait for her to bring lunch, so they've lunch together...lunch is just an excuse, he wants to spend time with her.

That was his last call to her not because got busy, but because it seems like Lavanya has decided to annoy the hell out of him. Since the time Lavanya has entered office today she is tagging behind him for one thing or the other...even the stupidest reason and being extra cliché today much to his irritation, like she kept flaunting her extra short dress...if that thing can be called a dress, also seems like she even forgot how to walk as she kept stumbling and falling on him and she was getting on his nerves as much as he tries to control his temper but it's easier said than done. Right now Arnav sat in his cabin, he had an hour before his next meeting, which has mostly gone in drain... here he was thinking to call his wife and flirt with her on phone but Lavanya came to him with some stupid quires which doesn't seems to end.

Lavanya asked saucily: "So ASR what's next?" bending over the table more than necessary as if to show something on the file with her cleavage on display due to the very low neckline of her dress.

Arnav glanced at her once then looked at the file than back at her with stoic face said: "You know what Lavanya; you're off this project from now on. I'm handing it over to that new girl, Puja Gor right at this moment, she'll organize the show..."

Lavanya perplexed: "What?"

Arnav simply repeated: "Yes, I decided that I'm handing it over someone're off this project."

Lavanya: "What ASR you can't do this..."

Arnav challengingly raised a brow saying: "Yeah right...and who is going to stop me?"

Lavanya demanded: "But how can you replace me from this project and make someone else the project head?!" this project was big and is very beneficial for her career which she didn't want to let go...she didn't understand why suddenly ASR wanted to hand over to someone else.

Arnav: "Because I think you're not qualified enough to handle such a big project..."

Lavanya agitated: "I'M NOT QUALIFIED ENOUGH?! How can you say that ASR...?! And handing over to Puja Gor, ASR you're forgetting that girl has just joint hardly 06-07 months ago and you wanna give such a big show to organize...Why?"

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