Part 12- Lied

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Today, i went to eat alone in the canteen while Yuna at Taekwon are dating. I was about to pay for the food that i ordered but someone slapped my hand and refrained me from doing so. I looked at the person and it was none other than the boy whom i'm still in love with, Kim Taehyung.

"What are you doing?" i asked with a stern voice as i faced him. He smiled cheekily which i find cute.

"Paying for your food. And you, Miss Jung, will eat with me today." he said as he gave his money to the cashier. He held my hand and pulled me towards an empty seat. I sat at one of the chairs and he took the chairs in front of me which caused us to look like a couple. I started to chew my food but i can't eat properly because the boy infront of me keeps staring at me.

"Stop looking at me." i said without looking at him, eventually he didn't do as i said.

"I said stop-" i looked up and our eyes locked. All other things disappeared and the only thing i can see is him. Again, everything was in slow motion. After seems like forever, i stopped daydreaming of him when he smiled and waved his hand in front of my face.

"I know i'm good looking but don't daydream here. There are a lot of people." he said, still smiling and watching me eat the food that he bought me.

"Why are you doing this?" i asked. I can tell that he is confused from what i see, which is completely understandable.

"What 'this'?" he asked.

"This. Buying me food. Taking me to parks. Staring at me. Eating lunch with me. Sitting in front of me. Why are you being with me?" i shot him with questions but he cut me off with just one sentence.

"Because i like you." he said seriously while looking deeply into my brown orbs, while i do the same to him. It took me a while to process what he said.

"What?" i stuttered. I looked away from him to refrain myself from drowning in his beautiful eyes.

"You're cute." he complimented while smiling and pinching my right cheek. I flinch at the sudden action.

"No i'm not." i denied as i pushed his hand off of my face. I continued to eat as he continued to stare at me. We stayed like that for a few minutes before we heard guys squealing. We look behind us and we saw...a girl. Not just like any girl, a beautiful girl. Even prettier than me. Jealousy boils in my gut. I looked at Taehyung and saw that he's staring at the beautiful girl. I stood up from where I was seating and walked away from the cafeteria. I went to the school's rooftop and sat on the ground, crying.


I realized that i was staring at the girl, so i looked back at Mina but to my surprise, she wasn't there. I stood up and left the cafeteria.

"Where could she be? And did she leave?" i asked myself. I thought about it for a good 3 minutes, then i realize where she was at.

"Rooftop..." i said to myself and went there. When i opened the rooftop door, i saw her to talking to the phone. I walked closer then stopped when i heard something suspicious.

"I can't do this anymore. I can't lie to him anymore. Why am i so stupid?! Why did i chose to pretend that i had amnesia but i actually didn't?! Why did i even think of this?! Why!" she said to the phone while crying, i realized that i was too. Tears streamed down my eyes.

"You lied to me?" i didn't realize i said it out loud for Mina to hear. She froze and dropped her phone. I can hear Yuna shouting from the other line.

"Mina? Mina! What happened? Why aren't you answering?" said Yuna from the phone. Mina stood up and slowly turned to me. I saw how red and puffy her eyes and nose were. She looked so fragile that something inside me wants to protect her. Protect her from this world full of liars, even she is one.

"I'm sorry..." was the last thing she said before she passed out. Her body dropped to the ground before i could even blink. I held her in her arms and answered Yuna.

"Yuna, i need you to call Mina's parents and go to Seoul Health Center right now!"  i said then cut off the line. I stood up from the ground and sprinted towards the hospital. It was hard running and carrying a girl at the same time, but if it's for Mina, i'll do it anyway.


I kept waiting at the bench infront of Mina's door. When the doctor showed up, i immediately stood up and asked if Mina was alright.

"Ms. Jung is fine. It's just that her brain triggers when she feels extreme emotions. She just had a severe migraine which caused her to pass out, but she is alright. You can see her now." said the doctor.

"Uhm... May i ask if she really has amnesia?" i asked. Curiosity boils inside me.

"She does. But it's not really that serious. She forgot a lot of things except things close to her heart."  the last thing the doctor said before he excused himself and went to do his other work. I opened Mina's door and saw her lying peacefully on the hospital bed. I went to her and caressed her face and hair.

"Why am i just so in love with you? Why can't i just let you go? Why can't i just forget about you? Even if i know that you lied, i still love you, and i'll always will." i said through my shaking voice. A tear escaped my right eye and fell on her left cheek. Seconds later, she woke up.

"What happened?" she asked as she sat up on the bed. My eyes softened, realizing that she doesn't remember anything.

I just really wish you know how i love you, Jung Mina.


I suddenly felt somehow on my left cheek which made me open my eyes. As soon as i woke up, i felt dizzy and my head started to hurt a bit. It was kind of hard to breath at first but after a while i was alright. I saw Taehyung crying infront me but i couldn't quite remember what happened.

"What happened?" I asked him out of curiosity and worry. I can tell that he was somewhat startled to see me open my eyes, but then softened.

"You're...okay..." he slowly said while a soft and relieved smile came across his face. He brushed my hair off my hair gently and i started to get more worried. What just happened?

"What happened?" I asked again, but this time he remained quite and just stared at me right in the eyes. It was hard to read his facial expression. I don't know if he's sad, worried, angry, or guilty? He had mixed emotions on his face which made it hard for me to read. We just stared at each other for several minutes then, it suddenly hit me hard.



bABIIESSSS!!!!~ 🥺 yOU GUYS DON'T KNOW EXACTLY HOW SORRY I AM. Im so so so so so so veryyyy sorry!!! I haven't been uploading ANYTHING for 2 years!!! I had been busy with school and this and that that i had no time to write anymore and eventually deleted wattpad :(( bUT YOUR BEAUTIFUL AUTHOR IS BACK!! Because we all are on quarantine because Corona, i suddenly missed writing and i believe its not too late to start again! So here it is! And update for y'all! BTW, votes and comments would be so loved! ✨ Love y'all!

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