Chapter 6: Snapped

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You open the door to reveal the medical room and an awake Jason lying in bed.  He seems to be wide awake, observing all his surroundings.  This was all new, but at the same time, so familiar.  This wasn't the dark and dank room he's been in for 6 months.  This was the medical room in Wayne Manor.  Was he dreaming?  There was no way this could be what he hopes it to be.  

When you opened the door, his eyes instantly fell onto you.  He couldn't believe it just as much as you did.  6 months with the clown prince of crime makes you believe that no one is going to save you, that you might as well give up now.  But here you are.  A part of him wants to believe you're really there, but at the same time he knows that it's impossible.  

"Jason..." You said slowly.  Dick walked up behind you and put a hand on your back, trying to push you closer.  You walked closer to Jason and sat next to him.  The shock was evident in his eyes, but the fear was obvious.  

"Is this possible..?"  He asked quietly to himself.  He didn't want to try to start talking to someone who's not even there.  This has to be more of the hallucinogens that Harley gave him once.  

"Jason, it's possible.  It's real."  You said slowly.  You didn't want to startle him by talking quickly or loudly.  "Last night we went to Arkham Asylum because Joker was out of his cell.  When we suspected an area where he might be, we found you instead.  Bruce brought you back to the manor and you've been recovering ever since.  You're safe, Jason."  You grabbed his hand and held it in your own. 

It was like your hand brought him back to reality for a second.  Every time with the hallucinogens you'd disappear before you could touch him.  But you didn't this time.  He felt your soft touch for the first time in over 6 months and he loved it.  However, another part of him couldn't stand you or Bruce.  Some part of him was still asking what took you so long to find him.  Why did you let him suffer for so long under his hands?  Why him? 

Tears stung in the back of his eyes, but they wouldn't come down.  His vision became cloudy but he quickly tried blinking it away so he could get a look at you and Dick.  "How long was I there?"  He asked, his voice raspy.  

"Six months."  Dick told him regretfully.  "We tried to find you as quickly as possible." 

"Then why was I replaced so quickly?"  He bitterly asked.  He couldn't get the idea of the new Robin out of his head. 

"He adopted Tim so that he could focus more on finding you, Jason.  He-" 

"And I see you've gotten close to him too."  He snapped.  

"He's my friend because he's helped me out too.  He lives here, I couldn't just not talk to him because you were Robin." 

"You seemed to become close friends then." 

"What do you mean by that?" 

"He showed me a photo of the two of you walking pretty close together.  Almost like you two were dating."  He couldn't bear to say Joker's name out loud.  

"Jason listen to me.  He did all that to get into your head.  He was trying to brainwash you into believing that we didn't care."  You pleaded with him.  

"C'mon, you know Y/N, Jason.  She wouldn't be friends with him just to spite you or anything."  Dick spoke up.  

"No, she wouldn't.  She'd do it because I'm just that easy to replace to everyone, right?"  

"Jason Peter Todd enough of this!" You yelled at him.  He was shocked that you yelled and turned to stare at you.  "I know that you had a horrible time stuck with him and Quinn for six months, but you are believing everything he said that was wrong.  He twisted it to get it into your head and you let him.  Let us explain when you've healed more.  We can tell you everything, but we don't want to do it now because you just got out of there."  

Jason thought about what you said.  It made sense, it just hurt no matter what.  No matter what you said or did, it'd still hurt to think that Bruce got another Robin, that you were seen with Robin, and close enough that it made it seem like you two were dating.  He couldn't stand it.  But he knew if he wanted to get anywhere, he first had to listen to your side of the story.  

He nodded his head and looked down at the floor.  Dick glanced at you, worry in his eyes.  It was rare that you yelled at someone, and now you've done it twice today.  You were snapping after finding Jason.  Dick knew it, and you were well aware of that yourself. 

"Maybe we should let him rest for a bit, he seems like he needs it."  Dick walked over to you. 

"Yeah, I kinda need to think for a while." Jason agreed.

You nodded and said goodbye to him before leaving the room.  Dick walked with you until you made it to the hallway.  Dick watched as you stopped there and just stood.  He turned you around to see what's wrong but you collapsed in his arms right then and there. 

You felt guilty for letting Jason get that bad, you felt bad that he had to witness it.  You were so angry at Joker, angry at Bruce too for not getting rid of Joker.   While these two emotions were the strongest ones you felt, a thousand other emotions backed them up and you couldn't stand it. 

Dick held you tightly and rubbed your back in circles.  He knew this was coming, he just didn't know when.  He helped walk you to your room and sat on your bed, pulling you across to lay you down on it. 

He didn't say anything, knowing if he did it could easily be the wrong things.  You needed the silence, but you needed the company as well.  So Dick stayed with you as you cried, almost shocked to see you like this.  Even when Jason first went missing you weren't like this.  Even when you lost a family member you never showed this in front of everyone.   But this was your breaking point.  You snapped. 

And all Dick could do was be there for you.

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