Chapter 11: Missing

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A/N: I changed the date for the gala so it's not like two weeks after Jason was found.  I realized how ridiculous it was that Jason was able to get up, move around, find Joker, set everything up, and- yeah.  

With the gun raised, Jason glared at Joker with malice.   He had adrenaline pumping through his veins, making his hand shake.  So many thoughts were swirling through his head.  A big one was disbelief because he never thought he'd make it out of that room.  He never thought he'd be the one standing here, threatening to end someone's life.  It just seemed too good to be true to him.  

Jason slowly walked closer to Joker before putting the gun against his forehead.  "I'm going to make you pay for everything you've done."  He growled. 

"Then let 'er rip, boy!"  Joker laughed hysterically.  It was like he didn't have a care in the world.  Like he knew death as if it were his friend.  

You, on the other hand, were thinking about the possible outcomes of this situation.   Suppose Joker dies, what happens after that?  Jason will get to end him once and for all, but the entire family will crack because of it.  You'll want to side with Jason when the inevitable fight between him and Bruce comes up, but you still sided with Bruce on this.  If it really came down to that, you wouldn't be able to pick a side.  Dick and Bruce only just made up for the fight that brought Nightwing to life.  It's too soon. 

But if Jason doesn't kill Joker now, what will happen?  Joker could take advantage of this and kill you both right on the spot here.  He could get away and continue with whatever plan he had up his sleeve.  Nothing would change, and you'd be right back to square one.  Not to mention, Bruce is already going to be pissed that you and Jason snuck out, and Jason will be pissed that he didn't kill Joker.  

No matter what happened here and now, there'd be problems.  The only decision was what problems seemed worse.  Being selfish, you chose that the latter would be better.   Things would be able to get back to normal if he didn't kill Joker, but if Joker dies, then it will become stressful for everybody involved. 

"Jason, stop!"  You yelled right before he could pull the trigger. 

"Getting cold feet?" Joker grinned at you. 

Jason glared at him before turning back to look at you.  "Why?!  Isn't this what he deserves?!"  

"Jason, think about what you're going to do," you pleaded with him.  "You're willing to kill a man, a person, a human." 

"There's nothing human about this monster and you know it." 

"No, there isn't, but it doesn't matter.  You're about to kill someone, Jay.  If you do that, you'll be just as bad as them.  Jason, this is wrong!" 

"This is justice!  I can't live with myself if he's still around."  Jason turned his attention back on to Joker, who stood there, seemingly too happy for this.  "Once he's dead, everyone can forget about him, and Gotham will be that much safer." 

"Jason, he wouldn't just let you kill him for no reason.  Something's up." 

"Hey!  You're spoiling it for him!" Joker yelled. 

Jason's eyes snapped towards him in a second.  "What do you have planned?" 

"Oh, nothing, at least, nothing that you'll know about if I'm dead!"  He cackled loudly.  

Jason looked conflicted for a moment, trying to decide if killing him was worth it.  "Jason," you spoke up, "think about it.  If he dies, innocent people will die.  You know how he is.  But if we can get any information out of him now, we could save them."  

Before he could do anything, Joker's men went behind the both of you and locked you into place.  Jason's gun dropped while they pulled his arms back and behind him.  The anger quickly returned in his eyes.  "Sorry, but I've got places to run!  I wish I could stay longer though, this was fun," Joker grinned.  "You can let 'em go once I'm out of here!  I'll be in touch," He started laughing maniacally as he left the room. 

As soon as the men let go of you both you knocked them out with ease.  Jason's glare turned to you instantly.  "You made me let him go!" 

"Did you see what you were about to do?  Jason, you were about to kill someone."  

"He's not somebody.  He's something.  He just goes around and tortures and kills like a parasite.  Nothing good has ever come from him." 

"There are a lot of people in this world that are like him.  It doesn't mean they should all die for it."  You wouldn't have said this ten minutes ago, but there was something about seeing someone about to die that changed everything.  The sudden fear and horror that twisted your stomach into a knot when it happened.  The sadness that would crash over you when you watched the gun go off, letting a person's life leech out of their eyes.  

Jason looked away and started walking out of the room.  You weren't sure whether or not to follow him.  You decided against it, knowing that he would want to blow off steam before you go after him.  If he wasn't home tonight, you'd go after him later.  

When you made it back to the manor, all the paparazzi and fancy rich people were gone.  Dick was sprawled across the couch, his tie untied.  Tim was next to him scrolling through his laptop.  You looked over to see what was on the screen, apparently, something big happened during the party that you missed.  "What did I miss?" You asked him.

"More importantly, where have you been, young lady?  And where's Jason?  Alfred said you both must've left two hours ago," Dick spoke up, trying to sound like an over-protective father. 

"Well, if you must know, I was trying to help Jason with something, and then I had to stop him from doing something stupid."  You told him, trying to be as secretive as possible without lying. 

"Well, where is he now?"  Bruce asked as he walked into the room. 

You hesitated before answering.  "Well, I'm not sure.  I made him really angry while helping him and he stormed off.  I figured I'd go look for him later, let him have time to breathe." 

"To breathe?  (Y/N) he is still trying to recover from his time with Joker.  He's dangerous and reckless right now, he could be doing anything."  

"He's not.  I know him, Bruce.  He's been trapped here for weeks, he needs time to just go out and be himself for a while." 

"And what if someone gets hurt while he does that?  What if he's going off to find and kill the Joker right now?"  Bruce raised his voice slightly and you winced.  Dick noticed how you seemed to flinch when it happened. 

"Bruce, Bruce," Dick started, "I'm sure it'll be fine.  She'll go looking for Jason soon, right?  He's probably gone off to get pizza or something." 

"You have one hour to find him and bring him back before I go out and get both of you."  Bruce stated before walking out. 

"Do you really have no idea where he is?"  Tim asked. 

"I have a couple ideas but no clue which place he could be at," You admitted. 

"Does he have his phone on him?" 

"He should," You realized where Tim was going with this.  Even if Jason doesn't answer, phones are useful for more than that. 

"Let's go track your boyfriend then," Tim grinned at you before turning back to his computer. 

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