Chapter 9: Laughter

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The next morning you woke up with Jason still asleep next to you.  You were surprised to see him still in your room, then again you were still surprised that he came into your room at all.  You were happy he felt like he could come to you when things like that scared him, but it was just shocking.  

You slowly got up so you wouldn't disturb him and went to your bathroom to get dressed.  When you came out, he was just waking up.  Jason won't say it was because of you that he woke up, but you both knew the truth.  When you saw him sitting up, you decided to ask him about last night.  "Good morning, sleepyhead." You smiled. 

"Morning."  He rubbed his eyes, trying to wake up.  

"Sorry I walked over here last night."  He said once he was slightly more awake.

"It's alright, I didn't mind it at all.  But I have to ask, what happened?"  You sat next to him on the bed.  

"I was sleeping fine, until the storm came around.  When I heard the thunder..."  You realized what he was implying and you nodded. 

"I'm sorry that happened, Jason.  But, if you ever need someone to talk to, my door is metaphorically always open."  He chuckled. 

"I'm sorry I had to come in so late." 

"Jason, you don't need to apologize for it.  It doesn't matter when you do it, just come find me.  I don't care if it's 4 in the morning.  However if it's anything super early in the morning I might be a grouch for the first hour of being awake." You joked.  He laughed a little louder now, and that's what you were going for here.  


A month passed by with no luck at finding Joker's next victim.  Every time you thought you had a shot at getting him, he would be on the opposite side of the city.  Luckily though, Jason was recovering quickly physically.  But that still didn't stop Bruce from banning him from tonight's event. 

"You will be going to the gala, and that is final,"  Bruce told you, Dick, and Tim.  The entire morning consisted of you three complaining about the charity gala he was throwing tonight that he only just decided to tell you about.  

"But Tim and I were supposed to go on patrol tonight!  Dick can stay here and be your model son, we can go and protect the city!"  You argued, trying to save at least two of you from certain doom.  

"No."  He warned and left the room.  Jason walked in as soon as Bruce left, curious to find out what happened.  He didn't particularly enjoy being in the same room as him still so he decided to wait it out.  

"What just happened?"  He asked. 

"Bruce is making us go to his lame gala tonight."  You told him.  Jason grinned. 

"And I don't have to go because no one knows what happened to me." 

"I don't see why we have to suffer while he gets to go off easy."  Dick groaned.  You almost hit Dick on the shoulder for that comment because you knew what would happen when he said it. 

"Maybe because of what's happened for the past few months."  Jason's grin dropped as he glared at Dick. 

"Right, sorry, man."  He felt your glare on him too.  

"Sure you are."  Jason rolled his eyes and left the room.  

"Nice going, idiot." You said. 

"I didn't mean it that way!  It was just supposed to be a joke." 

"Next time think before you say something.  I thought Alfred taught you better than that, Dick."  

"Look, I'll apologize to him next time I see him."  

"You better.  Otherwise Tim is going to be my favorite brother."  

"Oh, so we're playing favorites now?"  Tim chimed in, figuring it might be the best time for him to finally say something.  

"You going to complain if I say I am?" 

"Not a bit." 

"Okay, Tim's my favorite.  Dick you are my third favorite." You said, as you started walking out of the room to find a dress for tonight.  Knowing Bruce, he'll want you starting to get ready in about 2 hours even though it's only noon now. 

"Even Jason's ahead of me?" Dick called out to you. 



Jason walked back into his room and sat on his bed.  For the past few days he's been trying to train himself.  For what, you may ask, well to understand that silence isn't bad.   Whenever he was all alone in the silence, his thoughts ran straight back to the times in that room.  He wanted to be better.  He really did, it's just that it was way easier said than done. 

His breathing quickened as he heard imaginary rats squeak as they ran by, the shutting of doors that were many levels above his head, the sound of a man and a woman laughing.  It was downright terrifying even though it didn't even exist.  Luckily, before he could start getting trapped in his head, he heard the door knock.  

'Come in," he said, his voice shaky.  In walked the man himself, Bruce Wayne.  Bruce wanted to make sure that Jason was alright, or as alright as you can be.  Bruce knew that Jason didn't want to be near him, but he didn't care.  Jason was still his son.  

"What are you doing here?" Jason grumbled as soon as he saw who it was. 

"I've come to check in and see how you were doing." 

"What for?  I already heard from the rest of them that you have a gala going on tonight.  Want to show off that you had a miracle and your missing son returned?" 

"No, it is far too early to have you going anyplace.  For now you need rest.  I'm asking as your father if you're doing any better." 

"Father?  You've gotta be kidding me."  Jason scoffed.  

"What do you mean by that?"  Bruce was genuinely hurt by his remark. 

"You've never seen me as a son and you and I both know that.  All you've ever seen me as was a way to get people to love you even more and have a new partner along with it." 

"That's not true." 

"Yeah, it is, old man.  You're so delusional that you can't even see it yourself."  

"Jason, you've never been just a partner."

"Then how come you were able to replace me so easily?!" 

"I had to.  I needed help because Scarecrow was running rampant in the streets of Gotham a few months ago.  Tim came to me and showed me how he found out I was the Batman." 

"So you just make him Robin?" 

"He helped with making things easier and so I could put time aside to look for you." 

Jason stayed silent, looking down at the red sheets on his bed rather than Bruce.  He couldn't stand to look at the billionaire, even now.  "Just get out."  He said darkly.  Bruce left without a word, but it was clear he was hurt by Jason's words. 

"Master Bruce, there has been an incoming video from an unknown server.  I suspect it might be the Joker."  Alfred said as soon as he saw Bruce outside of the room.  Bruce nodded and went down to the batcave to inspect.  Already, Dick, Tim, Barbara, and you were there.  He pressed play on the batcomputer immediately.  

"Long time, no see, Bats!"  Joker greeted as soon as the video started. 

"So I see you had your sidekicks 'rescue' my Jason!  He was supposed to be my sidekick, not yours!  Well, it looks like I'll have to change the plan a little.  Plan J is ready to go at any moment now, Bats.  You'll find out what it is in a few weeks.  I'm sure you'll love it!  Harley, how do I turn this thing off?!"  He yelled as he looked off into the distance.  The video ended with his laughter. 

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