Chapter Nine:Beast Boy Is On To My Secret

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"You want advice from me? Okay. What about?" I said.

"Well. You see. I have a crush on Raven. But it seems like she doesn't want me around. How do I ask her out?"

"Well. Maybe you should start by treating her like a normal person."

"Oh. I sees."

Did he really have to add an s to the word see.

"So. Who do you like on the team?" Beast Boy asked.

"I beg your pardon?" I said.

"You know. Who's that special someone you crushing on?"

"I don't like anyone."

"Yo. You crushing on my man Cy?"


"Oh i see. Your not ready to tell him!"

"No. I just don't have any feelings for him ." I said.

"Don't play dumb bro. I seen how your face was turning red when he was on top of you."

" That would've happened if it was anyone.

I'm not telling him my crush. But he's not wrong.

"  I got my eye on you. But back to the original topic. I need some advice for hanging with Rae Rae. Got any more ideas?"

"Alright! So, where do I start?"

This will be a while.

"You should probably start with apologizing for constantly irrationally bursting in her room. Also try to do less screaming around her. " I said.

"Okay. I'll see you later." He said running off.

Well. Hopefully he won't screw that up.

I got up and floated around the tower. I knocked on Cyborg's door. I didn't get a response. I peeked in. He wasn't in here.

I know I shouldn't snoop around, but I'm kinda curious of what could be in here.

I walked into the room. Huh.. Interesting. I looked at his shelf and seen a photo. I picked it up. It was a picture of him and Jinx smiling together.

So they were a thing at one point.

I put it down and continued to look around the shelf. I found a CD.

"The night begins to shine?" I mumbled to myself. I then heard loud footsteps. I put the DVD in my pocket. I attempted to leave through the door, but it opened as I was about to step out.

"What are you doing in my room?" Cyborg questioned me.

"I was looking for this thing I dropped. My um. Phone charger. It's not in here. I'm gonna keep looking" I said walking away.

Phew. That was to close for comfort.

The day eventually came to an end. I went to bed sleeping peacefully. I was actually starting to see my dream, but then it was interrupted by an alarm.

I got up. I looked at my calendar. I realized we had another training lesson. I got dressed and flew to the gym. I like how big this place is. I looked to see Starfire and Raven coming in. Then the rest of the guys arrived.

I stayed to myself for a while just thinking. I mean. I wanna ask Cyborg about his relationship with Jinx, but I don't wanna invade his privacy. I looked up and seen Robin blow his whistle.

"Alright titans. I see some improvement, but we are still having a few problems. Starfire and Raven, you two are fine." Robin said. They flew over on the bench.

"Now, I wanna get a chance to work with Alex." Robin said.

Am I special or something?

"Today's training activity is capture the flag." Robin said.

He gave Beast Boy their team flag. So it's me and Robin VS Cyborg and Beast Boy.

"Do you want me to  guard the flag?" I said.

"Yeah. I'll go capture theirs." Robin said.

Alright. This should go well. Robin began running to their side. Cyborg was coming over to our side. I got in position ready to fight.

"Give up. We both know how this gonna end." Cyborg said.

"With me winning? " I asked as Cy just gave me "really?" Face.

"No. I'm not losing this time."

"Oh yeah? Let's see if you actually improved. "

"You want it? You got it!" Cyborg yelled.

Okay,I know he was talking about the battle. But my mind inturpured it wrong.

He fired a blast at me. I fell down. That hurt more than I thought. I got up and flew toward him. I attempted to punch him. But since his chest is made of metal, I ended up hurting my hand. He then picked me up and threw me.

Wow. I'm doing really bad.

I got up. I seen him grabbing our flag. I seen Robin with their team flag. I froze Cyborg's feet.  Robin brought the flag back to our side. Honestly. We would've lost if Robin didn't get that flag. I slowly got up and caught my balance.

I slowly walked away and went to my room.. That was probably my worst performance. I didn't focus. Oh well. There's always next time. I began decorating my room. It's starting to grow on me. I then heard a loud scream from Cyborg.

We all came to his room.

"What was the scream for?" Robin said.

"My disc. It's not in here." Cyborg said.

"Great. We don't need you going on one of your crazy nights blasting the night begins to shine" Robin said as we all left.

I went in my room and got my head phones. I got my computer and put in the disc. The song was catchy, I don't know why the others have a problem with it. It was turning night. I have to give him his disc back.

I went to his door. I breathe in then out. I opened his door. He was still looking for in his room. It looks really messy in here now.



"I have your disc. I went in your room and took it, it looked very interesting."

"Why didn't you just tell me that?"

"I don't know. But I'm sorry."

"It's fine. Just  don't look in my room while I'm not here, okay."

"Yeah. I'll help you clean your room." I said.

After it was clean I went to bed.

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