Chapter Ten: Cyborg Is Human?

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I went outside to see the rest of the Titans in a pool. I just sat down under an umbrella. I looked over to see Cyborg come out. They were all splashing around in the water.

"Man, I wish I could go in" I hear Cyborg Say.

"Yo! Cy! Come join us!" Beast Boy yells.

"He can't... It'll mess with his circuits." I said.

"Yo Rae Rae? Can you make my man's human?".Beast Boy yells.

"I can. But what about crime?" Raven said.

"Hm. I don't know. Get your spell book." Beast Boy said.

She got out the pool and got her book. She began reading through her book quickly.

"Found it!" Raven said. "It says her that I can give you the ability to switch back and forth between your human form and your robotic one. It's a painful process, are you sure this is what you want?"

"I really want that hot tub. I'll do it." Cyborg said as we all cheered him on.

"Alright. Don't say I didn't warn you." She said. She began the process. The rest of us couldn't watch. All we could hear is Cyborg screaming. When she was finished Raved told us to look. It didn't look like it did anything. Suddenly the metal attached to his head fell off. Then his whole armor.


Raven then but a bath towel over him. We all sighed in relief. I'll never be able to un see that.

I felt my face growing so red. He looks so... Perfect.

"Well. I had enough sun for one day. I'm gonna head in." I said. The rest of the team said their goodbyes.

I went to my room and laid flat down on my bed. I began questioning my progress with being on the a super hero team. I feel like I didn't make much of an impact. I shook my head to get those negative thoughts out. I still have time.

I sat got up and decorated my room, adding the finishing touches. Finally it was complete. All I had to do was paint my room. It looked nice so far. I had posters of characters I like. And I had my room organized. I began painting my room a sky blue.

My concentration was broken by a knock.

"Come in!" I yelled.

Cyborg than came in my room.

"C-c-c-cyborg. H-hey." I said. I was stuttering some much.

"Hey Alex. Um. Can you do me a favor?"

"I-it depends. What is it?" I asked. I'm trying not to freak out. He was still only in a towel. I mean he doesn't know that I'm mentally panicking. But he will if I don't act normal.

"You see. I'm still trying to adjust to this human thing. So. I wanted to ask you one thing."

"Okay. Well, what is it?"I said.

" How do you get dressed? "


"Well..... Um... Hm.... How do I explain this? Since your not a child, in fact your older then me. This is very awkward." I said.

"I know. But I felt like out of the three guys here, your the most mature."

HE THINKS I'M MATURE!!! Does that also means he thinks I'm responsible?

"Really? You think I'm mature?"

"Aside from Raven. Your probably the most mature titan here. I mean, look at your room." Cyborg said. I began to look. I never realized how clean and organized I am.

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