Chapter Fourteen: Cyborg's Sick days

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I was falling into a nice deep sleep.

"No. Give me the marshmallow." I mumbled reaching for it.

Suddenly my dream crashed from a loud sneeze.

I shocked awake rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I got up and followed the rest of the titans.

We all rushed into Cyborg's room.

"Dude. What happened to you?" Beast Boy said.

"Nothing. Just *cough cough* got a little cold. That's all."

"You look terrible.  There's no way your coming with us." Raven said.

"Wait, we were going somewhere today? " I said oblivious to the situation.

"We got called to handle a crime. It might take a few days. But seeing how sick Cyborg is, he can't go."

"Yeah, I guess we will have to go without the him." Starfire said.

"Wait. But, who will watch over him? What if the someone trys to break in while we're gone?" I said.

"He does make a good point." Raven said.

"Indeed he does. Which is why Alex, I'll put you in charge of the titan tower while we're gone." Robin said.

"M-me? In charge?" I said.

"Yep. This way someone is here if anyone breaks in, and we have someone to watch out for Cyborg. That way he's not here alone." Robin said.

"Okay. You sure?"

"Trust me Alex. Your more than capable of handling this."

About an hour later the other titans were about to take off. Me and Cy went to the elevator to watch them off. And just like that, they were gone. So now It's just me, and Cyborg.

"Okay. We're gonna go to my room. That way I can keep an eye on you, and get work done."

"*Sneezes*. Can't I just sleep in my room?"

"You see, that would work. But your in human form. And your current bed is designed for a robot. You can just sleep in my bed."

"But what if you get sick from me?"

"I don't get sick. Besides, now that Beast Boy isn't running around the house, it'll be quite." I said.

We went to my room. I tucked him in neatly. Like a child.

"If you need anything, just let me know, okay?" I said as he nodded.

We weren't doing to much. I was just playing on my phone.

"Whatcha playing? " Cyborg asked.

"It's werid. But It's a game based on us and heroes and villian's in our world. But tiny toy versions of us. They even added me."

"Huh? Werid."

"I know, but It's addicting." I said.

It was starting to get late.

"Alex. Where are you gonna sleep? *Sneezes.*" Cyborg asked.

"Bless you. And also, I'm not sure. Maybe I'll  sleep in the air."

"You can do that?"

"Yeah. It won't be as efficient as a bed, but it'll still do its job." I said floating. It's like I was sleeping in a bed, but just floating.

I then heard a someone calling my name in the the middle of the night.


"Huh?" I said rubbing my eyes.

Teen titans go (Cyborg x OC) Where stories live. Discover now