Chapter Eleven : ME VS CYBORG 😢😢

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I was still seeping. Suddenly I heard someone whispering my name.

"Alex. Wake up."


"I said, wake up."

I rubbed my eyes and looked to see that Cyborg is actually, Cyborg.

I got up trying to wake myself up more.

"What time is it?" I mumbled.

"It's 2 in the morning. I'm surprised that they didn't check this room yet. But you were right. The way to switch between my forms was to concentrate."

I stood up and looked at the door. Suddenly it burst down.

"This is where you been hiding?" Gizmo said.

"Play times over boys. Give up. " Jinx said.

I got in position to fight. I realized that my powers weren't working. I moved closer next to Cyborg.

"My powers aren't working." I whispered to him.

"What!" He shouted directly in my ear. "Okay well I got a plan, but it'll ruin your room."

"It's fine. I'll just fix it later."

"Hey! Stop talking." Gizmo yelled.

I don't know that this plan that Cyborg has but I hope this works.

He began blasting his blue laser really fast at them causing them all to be startled and to jump from blocking the door.

He grabbed my arm and began running.

" Is this plan safe?!" I yelled.

"Gotta trust me on this one okay?!" Cyborg said. I nodded. I looked back to see the Hive following us. We went into the elevator. It shut and it began going down.

"That was close." I said.

"See? Told you."

"Your lucky that they didn't get into the elevator."

"You mean we're lucky."

"Yeah. That's what I meant.... To say." I think I'm starting to get flustered again.

When the elevator got to the last floor we ran out the tower. Suddenly the Hive came crashing though the window behind us. We kept running. I felt so useless that I couldn't do anything. I looked back to see them fire something on Cyborg's head. He fell down.

"Cyborg? Cyborg!" I yelled. I'm so confused. He opened his eyes. Why are both of his eyes red.. Wait a minute. I began to back away.

It's the mind control chip. Just like last time. I began running, but he was running right behind me. I stopped and turned to him. He was giving me this harsh stare, it felt like it was reaching into my soul and hurting me. He then began scanning me with his robotic eye.

He began walking over to me. I kept walking backwards. He used his rocket boots and came at me at full speed. He punch me directly in my face. I fell down. I got up and looked at him. I was gonna fly, but I realized that come along with my ice powers, and that isn't working.

"You idiot. Why did you join the Titans? I mean look at you. Your weak. Defenceless. Pathetic. Trying to protect others when you can't even protect yourself." Cyborg said.

He then blast me down with his blue cannon from his arm. He then came up to me and gripped me by my shirt and lifted me. He began punching me in the face really hard. Everything looked blurry. He then turned his fist into metal and punched me causing me to fall down to the ground. I felt my head bleeding.

"Your useless! Weak!".Cyborg yelled.
I looked at him then back on the floor. My eyes began to water.

I got up and began running. He flew me into a store and locked me in a freezer.

I felt myself getting cold. It felt so good. I could feel my pain going away. It was healing me. I blasted the door down.

"My powers. There back!" I exclaimed. I looked to see Cyborg walking in. I flew over his head and out of the store. I attempted to blast him with ice but instead it came out as cold air.

Is this a new power?

The air pushed him to the ground. Now we're even. He blasted Me down with his cannon. I got up made a hammer out of ice. I flew over and slammed it into him. It crashed him into a building. That building also had the rest of the Titans in there tied up. I froze the chains and broke it.

"Ha! See? Told you he'd come." I heard Raven say.

I turned around to see that the hive was gone. Cyborg was  still trying to attack me. Raven then broke the chip on his head. He then fell out.

According to Robin, they were blasted by a cannon and knocked unconscious. I went to my room and fixed the holes that Cyborg made. I then sat down on my bed. I was rethinking the whole moment. Everything that Cyborg did and said. It hurts. I then heard a knock on my door. I didn't feel like getting it. I kept sitting on my bed.

The door then opened. I looked to see Cyborg, in his normal form.

"Hey AL. You okay?"

"Not really."

"Oh... Well, I'm sorry about what happened earlier."

"Can I ask you something Cyborg?"


"Did you mean everything you said to me? About me being weak. And pathetic."

"What! No. Why would you think that?"

"I... I don't know. I just..."

"Dude. Your one of my friends."

He then came and sat next to me on my bed.

"I'm sorry. It's just that you looked mad at me during the whole thing and you were attacking me. It just made me scared that we wouldn't be friends." I said looking into his eyes.

"I wouldn't purposely hurt you. I'm just mad that they got away."

I rubbed my eye. Trying not to cry.

"Hey! Don't cry.. Listen to me." He said. He put his hands on my shoulders. "Your a lot stronger than you know."

I smiled at him. I looked deep into his eyes. I couldn't get myself to stop looking into them.

Come on mind. Calm down, if you play your cards right this can be a perfect hug moment.

I couldn't stop smiling.

"D-do you wanna get ice cream?" I mumbled.

"Huh? It's 3 in the morning."

"Never mind. I shouldn't have asked." I said face palming my stupidity.

"Crap. Stop doing that. Your making me feel bad." He said.

"So... We can get ice cream?" I said.

"Fine. Fine."

"Yay!" I said.

I put on my jacket and we made our way to his car.

AN: Well. That took a while. Anyway, the way I made cyborg look evil was easy. I just color swapped everything. I also did it with a different lighting.. Thank you for reading my chapter. Bye 😊😊.

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