Chapter 9: Mixed Feelings

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A/N - Sorry about the wait! My phone died on me (dropped once too often) and I had to wait to inherit a new one. Hopefully these new chapters will be coming fast and furious. Enjoy!

Eyebrows and I had finished the foundation for the outhouse by the time the sky was changing into a gradient of orange and purple. It was then that the doors began to creak and the three runners came back from their exploration of the maze. Once more cutting it dangerously close to getting shut in. They didn't look thrilled.

Alby met them half way as the rest of us gathered around for Frypan's slightly burnt smelling dinner. It was some brownish concoction we had found in a can. It looked like food anyway. Not seedy enough to be chicken feed but 50/50 shot at being crop fertilizer. We had taken a vote and decided to risk it.

It smelled disgusting.

I started over towards George and the others, if only to get away from the smell. They saw me walking over and grew suddenly tense.

"Did you find anything?" I called while closing the distance.

"Not really." Curly called back, face scrunching up as he sighed. "Unless you count dead ends."

"Bummer." I hummed. George whispered something quickly to Alby, who shrugged as I stepped up to meet them. George glared at me. I glared back.

"But we didn't get lost this time." Minho looked honestly impressed with himself.

Alby hummed approval. "The chalk worked then?"

"Between that and the map, it really did feel less like a maze," Curly agreed "and more of just a very strange set of corridors."

"So can I go with you guys again?" My spirit lept at the idea.

"No." George immediately crushed it down again.

I gave him a murderous look. "Why not?"

"I said already. It's too dangerous." Then he stalked off without another word. My teeth grinded together as I watched the other three follow him.

Curly ran over to the fire, excited for food until he smelled what was cooking. He must have said something funny because a burst of laughter came from the boys around him. Alby and Minho must have noticed too because they were walking over now. George however, was walking towards the woods. Suspicious.

I followed without a second thought. Something was up with him. The whispering, the glares, suddenly refusing to let me go into the maze. I wasn't sure what his plan was. But I intended to find out.

I soon reached the edge of the forest. It was quiet, save for the faintest crunch of branches behind one of the larger trees. Was he hiding back there? Did he see me following him?

I moved forward carefully eyes darting between the tree and the ground as I tried to avoid the louder sticks. Moving slowly, I made my way towards the far side of the tree. The was more rustling, of sticks and leaves, then of clothing.

I counted to three and leapt around the tree. George yelped and pulled his pants up, stumbling back.

My face heated up and I quickly hid behind the tree again. Stupid! What else would he be doing in the woods alone unless he was taking a piss? Idiot, idiot!

The woods we're still for a moment, then I heard George say "Alright, come at me shank. I'm ready for you this time!" Frowning, I glanced around the tree. George stood there, fully clothed, brandishing a large tree limb as a club.

"Look I didn't mean to scare you like that, I-" I took a deep breath and stepped out from behind the tree. "I just want some answers."

"Nice ruse." George spat. "Why hesitate? No one's here but us. Why don't you disembowel me already? Or are you afraid someone'll hear me scream?" His grip on the club tightened.

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