Part II

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Part II
September 1939

Dear Mutter and Vater,

I miss and love you two and cannot wait until you two arrive here. The Potter's place is nice, and I am having a lot of fun here, but it is still not as great as being with you both. It seems like forever since I have seen you. I almost feel like you will never make it, but I know that you two will do whatever you can to get here. Until then, I will try my best not to be sad since I know that you don't like it when I am.

Since I last wrote you, I have been spending more time with Albus, his cousins, and their family friends. Lorcan and Lysander are a bit strange -- they look identical and tend to speak at the same time -- but they are not as weird as their father or mother. Hugo has a weird bug collection, and Rose is a bit bossy and a know-it-all. Louis' sisters have been around, too, but they keep to themselves doing womanly activites. I think Victoire, the older one, likes Teddy, but he doesn't give her too much attention.

Albus and I have been reading some of his books together. I have read some parts by myself, but my English isn't perfect enough yet, so I usually have to ask Albus for help. Lord Potter has some German books, too, and sometimes I read them, but not often since he doesn't have many I find interesting.

School started a few days ago. It is just the same as before. Albus and I have most classes together, though not all. Luckily all the classes he isn't in Louis is, so I am not all by myself. Hugo and the twins now have lunch with us, which I find a bit odd since I am used to it just being me, Albus, and Louis, but the company is still good so I don't mind.

I don't have much else to say. I love and miss you both. I said it earlier, but I want to make sure you know.

Wish you were here,

He set his pen down after he finished the last word. He read over it, making sure it was all correct before he sealed it up in an envelope. He looked at the date of the letter, Sunday, September 3, 1939. Once done, he headed downstairs and found Clyde.

"Please mail this for me, Clyde."

"Will do, young master." Clyde bowed and took his leave with the letter.

When Clyde was out of sight, Scorpius decided to find Albus, but Lord Potter approached him instead.

"Scorpius? Would you care to join me for some tea? I need to talk to you about something."

"Of course, Lord Potter." While he followed the master of the house to the tea room, he quickly checked over himself, making sure nothing on him stood out of place. It wasn't long when he sat in a comfortable armchair and had a warm cup in his tea. As he took a sip, he waited patiently for him to talk.

Lord Potter cleared his throat and hesitated before saying, "As you know . . . Germany invaded Poland two days ago. We, the British, have officially declared war on them about an hour or so ago."

"Ah," Scorpius set his cup down and watched how he clenched his hands in his lap. He knew about the invasion. Everyone did. A strange part of him felt ashamed, like he was the one who started the invasion, which made no sense, but to him he still considered himself German, despite how the Nazis had stripped him and his family of their citizenship to stateless Jews.

"Yes," Lord Potter continued, "unfortunately, war has begun. And as much as I hate to be the bearer of bad news . . . I think your parents coming here now will be extremely difficult. Not only that, but I think them leaving Germany alone will be difficult."

"I . . . " Scorpius tried to take in the news as well as he could. To be honest, when he had heard about the invasion two days ago, deep inside of him, he knew that once war was officially declared, things were to go in an entirely different direction for his parents.

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