Part III

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Part III
August 1942

"What are you reading?"

Scorpius looked up and saw Albus coming towards him. Deciding that it was a beautiful summer day, Scorpius decided to spend it by reading some new books under this big tree in the wooded area of the Potters' back lawn.

"I . . . " Scorpius blushed at Albus' question, as he discreetly tried to hide the book. "Nothing. Just some classics."

"What's with that reaction?"

"Er," Scorpius paused, but it was in that moment of hesitancy did Albus manage to take the book out of his hand.

"Hmm." Albus stood up and began to flip through the pages of the book.

"Albus! Give it back!" Scorpius tried to snatch the book, but to no avail.

"What's this? Achilles and Patroclus? A book that explores . . . " Now it was Albus' turn to blush as he skimmed through the words. "Where'd you find this?"

"In . . . Lord Longbottom's estate. He had a bunch of books like these, and he said I could borrow whatever was in his library."

"I . . . see." Albus sat on the ground, his eyes never leaving the book. "This is quite interesting. I mean, we did briefly study about the two when we learned about The Iliad, but this looks like it adds a whole new angle to their 'friendship'."

Scorpius bit his lip nervously. "Yes, it examines the possibility that they were more than just war buddies."

"Like Teddy and James," Albus mused as his fingers turned a page and something caught his eyes that caused him to scrunch his face in a look of puzzlement.

Scorpius tilted his head to the side in curiosity. "Al?"

"Hmm?" Albus responded and looked up from the book.

"You looked confused."

"Oh," he sounded in reply and turned back to the page. "This one line, part of it doesn't make sense to me. It's a quote from the original poem."

"Which one is it?" Scorpius asked as he leaned in to look.

Albus gave a look of uncertainty before answering, "It reads, 'You had no consideration for my pure reverence of your thighs, ungrateful after all our frequent kisses.' I get the last part, but I don't understand the 'reverence of your thighs' part."

Scorpius' face flushed for the second time that afternoon. "It . . . " He began hesitantly. "It means . . . Achilles was in . . . admiration . . . of Patroclus' thighs."

"I get that, but why would he mention his admiration for them or even admire them specifically?" Albus asked as Scorpius seemed to fidget next to him. "Scor?"

"Well, in Greece, certain men would . . . " Scorpius trailed off as his face grew redder.

"They would what?" Albus pushed.

"For . . . fornicate . . . with another man . . . between their thighs . . . "

Albus made an 'o' shape with his mouth as the words registered in his mind. He then went on to ask, "Men do that?"

"So it seems," Scorpius replied timidly.

Scorpius watched Albus set the book down. The two of them sat in silence for what seemed like hours but in reality only a few minutes.

"We . . . should we try it? I mean, all we've done so far was kissing . . . "

Scorpius heard the slight catch in Albus' voice, and for some reason that warmed him. Probably because he could tell that Albus was a bit insecure, despite usually having enough confidence for the two of them.

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