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May 1950

"All right there, Lily?"

James' loud voice rang so loudly to the point that the people on the other side of the ship heard him.

"Hush, James."

Scorpius walked over to where Lily sat, looking miserable from her seasickness. He wrapped an arm around the young girl, no lady, who had been his surrogate little sister for years now. "We'll be there soon, Lils."

"I hate this ship."

"And just think, Lily-kins, we'll be going back to England like this in a couple of weeks."

"Shut it, James Sirius Potter! Wait until we get on solid land!"

Laughing, James grabbed Teddy's arms, making their escape to the restaurant.

Scorpius grinned and shook his head as he looked around the deck of the ship, watching the people come and go. He let his thoughts wander as he breathed in the sea air and felt the nice cool breeze around him. More than a decade had passed since he had left Germany and came to England. Just like his journey all those years ago, he was now on a new adventure. Only, this was more pleasant. He and his family were on their way to visit the new country of Israel.

"I wish that Arab-Israeli war hadn't delayed the trip two years ago," Lily spoke again, disrupting him from his thoughts.

Scorpius scrunched his forehead in confusion. "Why?"

She shot daggers into the air as she held her upset stomach. "Because then I could have used school as an excuse to not go and thus not feel so terrible."

Scorpius rubbed her arm to comfort her, "Don't worry. It will all be better in a bit, and all the excitement of the trip will take over." He then looked at Albus who was standing nearby and asked, "How much longer until we get there?"

"About a half hour," Albus turned and replied.

Lily groaned, "I want to be there now!"

"That excited, are we?" He let out a laugh, earning himself a glare from his sister.

"I just want land," she whined. "I think at this point I will be so thankful that I would marry it."

"I know you are of age and all," Scorpius began. "But I don't think your dad would be all too keen on the idea of you marrying the land of Israel."

"I don't know," Albus intervened. "Being the bride of the country would be quite profitable. Then she could give us some land, maybe bribe people into letting us do whatever, and we could live some pretty comfortable lives."

She giggled at that, though her face soon turned into a smirk as she replied, "Well, I might give the family land, but if I do there will be a none-for-Albus rule instated."

"I like that rule," Scorpius snickered.

"So mean," Albus jokingly pouted. "Guess I will just have to go off and marry my own country. Maybe America. Then I shall have my wife-country beat up Israel and take over all of you."

Scorpius couldn't help but laugh at his lover's statement. He was about to make a remark, but his father and Lord Potter approached, the latter eyeing his son questioningly as he spoke up. "Do I want to know?"

"They plan to marry countries," Scorpius answered simply with a small chortle.

The man blinked a few times before shaking his head, knowing he probably shouldn't ask for further explanation. "Anyway," he started again. "We will be arriving soon, so go make sure all your things are together."

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