Part IV

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Part IV
April 1945

"There's a postcard for you," Lord Potter said, coming into the sitting room where Albus, Lily, and Scorpius were studying.

Looking up, Scorpius saw an unreadable look on Lord Potter's face. He stood up and gave Lord Potter a questioning look.

"It's from your father."

Scorpius stood still, unable to think, move, or utter a single syllable. His arm reached out mechanically as Lord Potter handed him the thin card as he kept reminding himself to breathe. This was it, the news he had been hoping to receive for almost five years. It was the one that he had expected to never see; the one he couldn't even believe was in his hand with the familiar, yet more frantically written scrawling of his father's. His hand felt the postcard, just to assure himself that it was real. A wave of emotion hit him, and he let unstoppable tears fall as he began to read it.


I'm unable to write as much, so I have to be brief. Have to keep this under 100 words. I'm sorry it took so long to write you. I was sent to Auschwitz, but Soviet troops have saved all the prisoners here. I'm sorry to say your mother did not make it, but hopefully I'll be able to reach you soon. I'll not be able to go to you directly, but it shouldn't be much longer until the war is over. I will be free to return to you, my sonnenschein.

Love your vater,
Draco Malfoy

More tears formed in his eyes. His father was alive -- well was when he sent the postcard, which was dated January of the year. But his mother, his wonderful and loving mother, was dead. His emotions went back and forth between joy and mourning. He may be able to see his father again, but not his mother.

"Scorpius?" Albus called his name as he sat up and moved towards him.

He looked up to his lover, a bittersweet smile on his lips. "My vater. . . he is free."

Albus' face lit up. "That is great!" He exclaimed and quickly wrapped his arms around Scorpius in a hug.

"Yes," Scorpius replied with a hint of sadness.

"What's wrong? Isn't this good?"

"Mutter . . . died," he forced the words out before more tears made their way down his face.

Albus hugged him tighter and whispered, "I am so sorry."

Scorpius allowed the tears to fall for a few more seconds before he stopped them. He wiped his eyes, and he struggled to smile. "At least he's alive. All these years . . . he survived them."

"That's great!" Lily's bright voice chimed in, and that made Scorpius remember that he and Albus weren't alone at the moment.

Scorpius turned around and blushed as he remembered Lily didn't know anything about Albus and him. He knew that their affectionate display just minutes ago might be perceived otherwise than a friend comforting a friend.

Lily beat him. "I knew. You two have my approval."

"Since when did you get so smart, Lily-kins?" Albus teased, using her hated nickname.

"I'm smarter than all of you boys put together! I might be the youngest, but never underestimate a woman. We do have more intelligence, you know."

Lord Potter chuckled at Lily's loud proclamation. "Yes. Take heart, boys. Never try to argue with a woman. They will always be right. But Scorpius, I am glad your father's alive. When he makes it back to England, he is more than welcome to stay here as long as you two want."

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