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Shivaay was sitting hugging his knees on the floor near his bed.
He was holding a photo frame of his parents near his chest.

He was feeling terrible

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He was feeling terrible.
He was missing his parents very much.

S(crying) - I am sorry mom- dad. I am the only reason that you both are not with me. If I did not troubled you that day to bring my ice-cream, then you both would have been present with me today.

Flashback starts

Shakti was driving the car. Pinky was sitting on the passenger seat while Shivaay was sitting at the back seat ( Shivaay is just 5 yrs old).

They were returning from Shakti's cousin's wedding. It was around 1 in the night. Pinky was singing songs with Shivaay while Shakti was smiling on his wife and son's antics.
Suddenly, Shivaay saw a ice cream trolley and asks Shakti -

S- Dad, I want ice cream.

P- Beta, it is so late in the nights. Tomorrows, we will get you ice creams.

Shivaay pouts.

S- No, mom-dad I want an ice-cream now.

Sh-Shivaay beta, please try to understand, it is not safe to stop the car at this highway in this hour of time. I will get you more than one ice-cream tomorrow.

But Shivaay was continuously pestering Shakti to bring him ice-cream. He starts shaking Shakti from back. Shakti fails to notice a truck coming in their direction and loses control.

P(shouts)-Shakti ji, watch out.

In the blink of eye,they met with an accident.
Shakti and pinky were dead on the spot while Shivaay just lost his consciousness accompanied with some injuries.

Flashback ends

Shivaay was crying while holding their picture as today was their death anniversary.
Suddenly, he feels a hand on his shoulder. He turns back to find an elderly lady looking at him with pity and love in her eyes.
She was none other than Kalyani Kapoor.
Shivaay immediately hugs her and cries.

S-Dadi, why all this happened with me? Why my parents left me alone? I know I am the only one who is responsible for their death. I am very bad, dadi.

D-No billu puttar. You are not responsible for their death. It was their destiny.

S-But dadi it was me who distracted them which lead to the accident.

D-Billu, stop blaming yourself. You are not bad. You are my sher puttar.

S-What to do dadi? I am not able to find my solace anywhere.

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