What happened.

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Chapter 3 :(:

Connor's POV

I had stayed the night at the o2l house.

I woke up around 6:30 am so I went to the bathroom and took a shower and then changed into a red shirt with black pants , red toms and a black beanie.

I brushed my teeth, then grabbed my phone and walked downstairs.

no one was awake yet so I grabbed an apple and walked out the door.

I sat on the porch and bit into my apple.

I pulled out my phone and scrolled down my Tumblr. I took a picture of the trees that are in front of me. It looked pretty cool. I uploaded it and went back to scrolling down my Tumblr.

I heard someone walking then stopped . I looked up and saw a girl with a bloody face and a black eye.

I gasped and dropped my apple and phone.

"please help me"

she managed to say then fell over.

I ran over to her and realized it was one of Ricky's friends. She looked like she weighed a lot since she was wearing a really big sweater but I knew she didn't because when she's with Ricky she doesn't need that sweater.

I placed my arms under her and lifted her.

she was as light as a feather.

I carried her into the house and ran to Ricky's room. I kicked the door and he answered.

He looked me in the face lazly.

"what are you carryi-" once he looked down and saw her. whats her name?

Anna ? no. Angie? no. wait , uhh Anhi ? Yeah that's it. Anhi.

His eyes widened.

" what happened?!" he slightly screamed.

Just as he said that Kian and JC woke up and came out their rooms.

"what with all the scr- " kian stopped when he saw Anhi.

" OH MY GOD. " they said.

they rushed over to Anhi's side.

" I was outside and she was limping and then passed out." I said.

"We got to take her to the hospital. " Ricky said. i nodded. We all ran downstairs Ricky grabbed his keys and left for the hospital.

15 minutes later.

We ran into the hospital and the nurse took Anhi .

Me, Ricky , Jc and kian waited for the nurse to let us see her. .

I don't know why but I was crying. I hardly ever spoke to her.

She was gorgeous.

Her Brown eyes and long black hair.

She had it in a long braid.

i don't understand why people make fun of her.

The nurse walked over to us and asked if we were family. we shook our head.

" im her best friend " Ricky said.

she nodded and " do you want to go see her.?" she asked .

" yes" I said before Ricky could.

" Follow me then" she smiled.

We got up and walked onto the room. She was laying on the bed unconscious.

" Well, she has a black eye as you can see. She also has broken ribs . we have come to see that she self harms. We recommend she goes and sees a therapist. Her wrist are badly cut as well as her thighs. " She said.

Ricky nodded. Tears rolling down his cheeks.

" okay well I'll leave you with her . Um sir, do you know her mother or parent guardian contact ?" she asked.

"she lives with her Aunt I have her number "

Ricky said and then gave her the number. she thanked him and left.

We all sat there, waiting for Anhi to wake up.

I stared at her. Her forearms, both of them, were bandaged up all the way to her elbow.

I always liked Anhi, she was so beautiful , she was kind, funny and just perfect. I never had the guts to talk to her, just a "hi" or "how's it going" I whish I knew more about her because i was  inlove with the things I already know.

why would anyone do this?

Im in love. ( Connor franta fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now