What do you want?

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*Next Day*

Anhi's pov

I woke up still in the hospital.

I can't really remember what happened.

I looked over to my left and saw Connor sleeping on the couch. Half of himself was off the couch and his hand was stretched out. he looked adorable.

No one else was he except Connor. I wonder why Ricky didn't stay.

I looked at the counter beside me. My phone was there. I decided to text him.

"hey where are you?!"~Anhi

"Good your awake! you get discharged in half an hour! " ~Ricky

" okay when I'm out are we going to get my stuff?" ~anhi.

"Yeah. Then you move into the O2l house! "~ Ricky.

"Can't wait! " ~ Anhi.

" okay see you in a bit okay?" ~ Ricky.

" Kay see ya and thanks for everything." ~ Anhi.

I set my phone down. I got bored really fast so I decided to wake up Connor.

" Connnnorrrr" i whispered loudly.


" Connor wake up." i said loudly.

"5 more minutes Ricky. " he mumbled and turned so his back was facing me.

" Connor Wake up!!!" I yelled

I threw a pillow at him.

" Im up I'm up . Jezzz. " he muttered.

" how'd you sleep?" I said in a sweet tone.

" great until you woke me up. " he said.

" aww boo who. babies cry. " I said

He rolled his eyes then laughed.

" What up?" he said fully awake now.

" well I get outta here in like 15 minutes. and I got bored so I woke you up." I said with a smile.

". aww that not cool" he pouted.

I laughed at him.

" you big baby. " I imataded his voice.

he giggled.

" well Ima go get some starbucks. you want anything? " he asked.

"gimmie a hot chocolate. and hurry I don't like being alone." I said.

He smiled.

" okay be back in a few. " he said running off.

I was alone in this white room.

I looked at the clock. it was 12 I'm getting out of here once Ricky comes.

I sighed.

the nurse walked in.

" Anhi Arias?" she asked.

" that's me. " I said with a smile.

" your getting discharged right now. Do you have a ride?" she asked.

" they will be here in a bit" I said.

" Okay. lets unhooked you from these wires. " she said

I nodded.

once she finished I was able to get up .

she let me change into my clothes .

I put my sweater back on to come my bandages that were on my arms from... you know.....

I walked out the bathroom an sat the hospital bed.

" well , while you wait for your ride can I tell you want the doctor recommendeds ?" she asked.

" yeah." I flashed her a smile.

she nodded and looked at her clipboard.

" He recommendes that you see a therapist for you selfharm. " she gave a soft smile.

i nodded even though I know I wasn't going to go see no goddanm therapist.!

Just as she finished telling me my persciptionss and all that another nurse came in with someone else.

I was guessing it was Ricky.

I smiled but that Quickly faded at the sight of My aunt.

Oh no.

"is this her ma'ma?" the nurse asked her.

"yes , thank you. " she gave the nurse a smile.

the nurse that was talking to me said, " is this your ride dear?".

I couldn't speak

didn't she say she was done with me?

She said it herself.

"Can I have a moment alone with my Neice?"

she asked.

The nurses nodded.

then walked out .

"w-wh-what do you want? Y-you said you were done with me." i studdered in fright.

"well I forgive you for your little outburst plus you are still a miner so you cannot live on your own. My house still needs cleaning." she spat.

She's right. I'm only 17 but I am in my senior year of high school that is almost over in a month. I skipped 7th grade and went straight to 8th.

I don't want to go with her.

I can't go with her.

I want to live with the O2l guys!

She grabbed me by The arm and dragged me out of the hospital.

This woman is going to give me hell once we get to her house.

all I could think is

Connor , please help me.

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