Whats going on?

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I woke up to no one sleeping next to me.

I sigh

" was it all a dream then? " I said to myself then got up and took a shower.

I put on a white shirt with my black cardigan , gray pants and black slip-on vans.

I walked down the stairs and heard someone talking in the kitchen. I figured that it was my step sister so I walked inside.

" good morning Nataly , would you like me to make you breakfast?" I asked walking over to the frige.

" Actually , yes but I'm not nataly,". I looked over to who was sitting at the table.


So it wasn't a dream.

"Hey babe." He cood.

"Whale, I thought you left. " I said turning to face him.

"Nope I just woke up early. " he said.

" I see. " I said walking over to the frezzer.

" well I can't make you pancakes cause I'm lazy but how bout waffles.?" I said picking up the ego box.

" youre so lazy but okay." He said

I gave out a chuckle , then put the waffles I. The toaster.

" so what are we doing today?" He asked me.

" I don't know what do you want t to do.?" I asked.

"Hmm" Connor said. "Let's see. We could go to the park. Or the mall or the beach. "

" well it is 7 am. So we could go to the beach and sit on the sand" I said as the waffles finished.

" sounds like a plan" he smiled.

I set the waffles on the plate and then giving them to Connor.

"Okay so let's eat then we go." I said .

Me nodded and began to eat.

*10 minute later*

Me and Connor left my house and walked to the beach , hand in hand.

It was a nice morning. There was a nice breeze of wind and the sun was shining with some clouds in the baby blue sky.

Once we got to the beach it was a bit chilly but the view was amazing. The ocean's tiny waves , the sunlight shining on the water. I pulled out my phone and opened the camera. I took a picture of the view .

Connor looked at me. I showed him the photo.

"Wow. Great picture. " he said.

I smiled" thanks. I love taking pictures and everything . i want to be a photographer someday. " I said.

That's when I saw a smirk on his face.

" oh really?" He asked .

I nodded.

"Alright. " he said talking my hand. "Let's go."

" wait, were are we going " I asked

He didn't answer and we just ran.

Well this is gonna be fun.


Well sorry I haven't been updating but I'm working on a Trevor fan fiction as well sooo yeah. Be patient my loves.

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