oh god.

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Chapter 4 :(:

Anhi's POV.

I could hardly open my eyes but I managed to open then a little.

I looked around the room with out moving my head.

I saw Ricky on the phone.

Kian and JC were here too, and that kid that was at Ricky's house , the one whos quiet.

Cory? no. Camron? no. Ca- co- Connor. yeah, that's it Connor Franta.

He was pacing around the room .

" I never seen you so worried Connor. " Ricky said.

Connor stopped and looked at him.

"why would anyone do this ? " he said.

Ricky answered " Cause people are assholes "

Connor scoffed then began to pace again and bite his lip. that was cute.

I finally managed to speak.

"hey guys" I whispered . They all looked at me.

I opened my eyes fully and looked over at Connor , his eyed were filled with relief and happiness.

I smiled.

I looked at Ricky he was crying.

I gave him a soft smile.

He looked at me .

"Anhi I thought you were go-gon-gone." he said with more tears streaming down his face.

I cupped my hands on his face .

" hey, dont cry if you keep crying I'm gonna start crying and I'll never get though this. " I said wiping the tears away.

He laughed and smiled .

I motioned him to give me a hug.

We hugged then pulled away.

" I'm going to go tell the nurse your awake , okay?" he said.

I nodded .

" you okay kiddo?" Kian asked rubbing my head.

I smiled.

"yeah just hard to breath. " I said.

He smiled.

" when at least you aren't dead. " he joked.

I giggled

" yeah."

JC pushed kian and took his spot.

" hey sissy. How yah doinggg?" he asked playfully.

" as I told kian, ts hard to breath. butt in okay. " I said.

he looked at me then giggled.

" what?" I asked.

" you said...* giggles* butt" he said then bursted out laughing. kian joined.

" You are so childish! " I said punching him.

"whaleee baby girl I'm going to take JC here on a date, so well come back later, okay?" Kian said. I smiled.

its a jian thing.

I nodded and waved bye to them while they walked out the door.

I looked at Connor who was messing with his fingers. I snapped and he looked up.

I waved to him and gestured him to come over here.

He sat next to me and smiled.

" how you feeling. ?" he asked.

"alright" i said.

"so what happened. " he asked.

" um well these girls jumped me. " I said.

He sighed.

I looked into his eyes he had anger in his eyes.

" but I'm okay, I mean its the usual. Get hit by girls, get called mean names by boys. " I said.

He chuckled.

I raised my eyebrow.

"What?" I asked confused.

" those people are assholes , they make fun of you for no reason. You're beautiful. There's no reason for them to say anything." he said.

I smiled. I felt my cheeks burning up.

Maybe this kid isn't so bad . Maybe I like him.

Connor's POV

" how you feeling. ?" i asked her.

"alright" she said.

I looked at her in the eyes. Filled with sadness.

"so what happened. " i asked.

" um well these girls jumped me. " she said.

I sighed.

what assholes.

" but I'm okay, I mean its the usual. Get hit by girls, get called mean names by boys. " she added.

i chuckled.

her eyebrow raised.

"What?" she asked with confused look on her face.

" those people are assholes , they make fun of you for no reason. You're beautiful. There's no reason for them to say anything."

that last part slipped out.

Her cheeks were burning pink.

I giggled.

" you okay there pink cheeks.?" I teased.

"shut up "she said and fake pouted.

we both laughed.

I might be falling for this girl.

Ricky walked in the room with a lady and a girl about the same age as Anhi.

I looked back at Anhi , her eyes were filled with terror.

Ricky walked over to me and grabbed my arm. He mouthed " can I tell him " she looked at me then nodded .

you could see tears in her eyes .

Ricky whispered something in her ear.

she nodded .

He kissed her on the forehead then dragged me out the room.

"What's going on? " I asked.

" that's Anhi's step mother. That woman abuses Anhi. Her step sister hates her and also beats her. Her real perents died in a car crash. When you picked up Anhi , was she extremely light ?" he asked .

I nodded.

" well that's because Anhi is balimic. She also self harms because of that woman in there. "he said angrily.

We heard screaming in the room.

I ran to the door and almost when in but Ricky stopped me.

he shook his head .

What the hell is going on in there.

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