Is That A Shadow? Chapter 4

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You and the others finally arrived at home. Sonic ran past everyone and opened the door for you.

"Thanks Sonic. You're such a gentleman." Y/N said.

"You're welcome Y/N." Sonic said as he winked at you.

You blushed a little when you saw him wink at you. Knuckles walked towards him.

"Thanks Sonic."

"No problem Knuckles. But could you do a big favor for me?"

"Sure. What is it?"

"Could you take a few steps back for me?" Sonic asked.

"Sure!" Knuckles took a few steps back. "A little bit more." Sonic said as Knuckles moved back a little bit more.

"Perfect! Now stay there." Everyone except Knuckles went inside.

Sonic shuts the door behind him. Knuckles was just standing outside waiting for something to happen.

"So...what now Sonic?....Sonic?....Sonic?" Sonic started laughing really hard. You rolled your eyes smiling.

"Really?" Amy asked.

"What? It was funny."

"You're more nasty than that devil Hedgehog!" Sticks said.

"You mean Shadow?" Y/N asked.

"Don't you dare mention that monsters name! He could have a disease in his name. It could curse you forever!" Sticks said. Everyone stayed quiet until Tails said something.

"I'll be in the lab." Tails walked away.

"Hello?...Anyone?...What do I do now?" Knuckles asked from outside. Amy rolled her eyes and walked towards the door.

"You may not believe me yet but you'll see. You'll all see!" Sticks said as she ran off.

"I'll be in my room. I'll see you later." Y/N said.

"Bye Y/N. Hope you feel better." Sonic said.

"Thanks Sonic." Y/N said as you walked upstairs.

Once you were gone, Knuckles came in the room with Amy, glaring at Sonic.

"You tricked me didn't you?" Knuckles asked with a glare. Sonic tried to hold in his laughter.

"No Knuckles. I would never trick you. You're my best friend." Knuckles suddenly smiled.

"Oh ok!" Amy rolled her eyes again.


Meanwhile with you, you were writing in your diary/journal when suddenly, you got the feeling that someone was staring at you.

You set your diary/journal down and looked out your window. You gasped when you saw a pair of red eyes staring at you from the forest.

You looked closely at it but you couldn't tell what it was. Soon, the figure quickly ran off into the forest. You got off of your bed and decided to go follow it.

You opened your window and climbed out of the window. You looked back before running and then you began to run into the forest.

When you entered the forest, you lost the mysterious figure. "Where did he go?"

Suddenly, you heard growling coming from behind you.

You slowly turned around and saw 2 wolves growling at you. You slowly took a few steps back as they were walking towards you.

"N-Nice wolves." One of them tried to pounce you but you quickly froze it.

The other wolf saw this and got mad. You tried to freeze him but he dodged it a few times.

You decided to quickly run away from the wolf while it was chasing you. When it got close, it scratched your leg pretty hard and deep.

You screamed in pain as you felt towards the ground accidently letting your body land on a huge rock.

You groaned in pain as you rolled off of the rock and landed on the grass. You felt like you were losing to much blood and your vision was getting blurry.

The wolf got closer to you as it growled at you. You tried to get up but you were to weak. Before the wolf could swing his paw at you and scratch you again, a deep, male, voice suddenly spoke.

"Chaos Spears!" The Chaos Spears hit the wolf, making him whimper.

The wolf got away from you and ran off. You slowly looked up as you saw a blurry black figure walking towards you.

You couldn't keep your eyes open anymore so you slowly closed them while groaning in pain. While you were knocked out, the mysterious figure picked up and began to walk with you in his arms.

Here's a sneak peak for the next Chapter:

Y/N: Why did you save me?
Sonic: Y/N! We were so worried!
Shadow: Why do you ask so many questions?

What's gonna happen next? Find out soon on Chapter 5. Have a great day. Author out ❤️❤️❤️

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