He Saved Me? Chapter 5

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Later, you slowly woke up and you noticed that you were in a cave. There was a campfire and a first aid kit. You looked around wondering how you got here.

"About time you woke up." You quickly turned around and saw a figure in the shadows.

"I was beginning to think you were dead." He said in a deep voice.

"Who are you?" The figure walked into the light.


"Yeah it's me."

"What are you doing here!?"

"You were attacked by wolves so I brought you here."

"He saved me?" You thought.

Suddenly, you screamed a little as you felt pain on your leg. Shadow grabbed the first aid kit and walked towards you. You saw this and backed away slowly.

"Relax. I'm just going to fix your leg." You didn't know that you should trust him.

"Do you want me help or not? You already lost so much blood." You didn't want to believe him but you had no choice. You slowly moved your injured leg towards him.

Shadow sat down in front of you and grabbed your leg gently and sets it on his lap. He grabs a sewing needing and begins to fix your leg. You were hissing in pain. Shadow looked at you.

"Just don't pay attention to your leg. What were you doing out on the forest?"

"I was just hanging out in my bedroom when suddenly, I felt like I was being watched. When I looked out the window, I saw a mysterious figure watching from the forest before he ran off." Shadow didn't say anything for a minute until he finally spoke.

"That was...me."

"What!? Why were you spying on me?"

"I got bored."

"Why did you run in the forest?"

"You saw me."

"Why did you save me? We're enemies."

"You should be grateful that I saved your life. I wouldn't want someone to die if it wasn't me who killed you."

"Are you going to kill me?"

"Why do you ask so many questions?" You decided to stop talking.

After a few minutes of silence, Shadow looked at you.

"I'm not going to kill you....yet. I only saved you because I want to destroy you myself."

"But why aren't you trying to kill me now when you have the chance to?" Shadow didn't say anything. Soon, he glared at you.

"I'll stop talking."

"I'm just not in the mood for killing right now." He wraps bandages over your leg.

"There. It should be fine for the next few days but I'm afraid that we have to sleep here tonight."

"Why?" Shadow pointed at the entrance to the cave and then you saw that it was raining.

"Can't you just teleport us out of here?"

"I'm not in the mood. It's late and I'm tired."


"We should get some sleep. I have things to do tomorrow."

"O-Ok. Good night Shadow." Shadow just rolled his eyes and went straight to sleep.

"He doesn't seem to bad. I think...He's even more handsome up close." You blushed a little as you fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, the campfire went out and you started to feel cold.

Shadow's ears twitched as he hears you shiver. He tried to ignore it but he kinda felt bad for you.

He got up, grabbed a small blanket that he kept with him for tonight and places it over you.

You started to feel less cold now. Shadow sighs as he walked back to his spot and falls back to sleep.

The next morning, Shadow slowly woke up and looked at you. He thought to himself,

"S/he looks cute when s/he's sleeping. Wait what!? What am I saying!? S/he's my enemy!" You slowly woke up and looked at Shadow.

"Morning Shadow."

"Morning. I guess it's time that I brought you home."

"Ok." Shadow picked you up and carried you home. When they arrived, Shadow sets you by the door and knocks on the door.

"Don't tell anyone about this or you're dead. Got it?" You nodded slowly.

"Hey Shadow?" Shadow looked at you.

"Do you want to...hang out sometime?"

"Why would you want to hang out with me?"

"I know it sound weird but I want to get to know you better...If that's ok?" Shadow thought about it for a minute.

"Fine. Once your leg heals, meet me in the forest."

"Ok. Bye Shadow." Shadow nodded and ran off.

When you heard the door opened, Sonic gasped and hugged you tight.

"We were so worried Y/N!"

"I'm sorry Sonic." Sonic saw your leg and widened his eyes.

"What happened to your leg!?"

You told him everything that happened but you left out the part about Shadow. Sonic picked you up.

"We'll take care of you Y/N. We need you to get lots of rest."

"Thanks Sonic." Sonic carried you inside the house.

Everyone hugged you and said that they were so worried. They saw your leg and asked what happened.

You told them what you told Sonic and left out the part about Shadow again. They decided to help take care of you. You smiled as you thought to yourself.

"I have the most amazing friends."

Here's a sneak peek of the next Chapter:

Y/N: Shadow! I'm here!
Shadow: I like being alone. It's just my thing.
Shadow: Wanna play a game?

What's gonna happen next? Find out soon on Chapter 6. Have a good day. Author out ❤️❤️❤️

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