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Taeyong woke up with a pain in his shoulder from the position he was sleeping in. He slowly opens his eyes and was met with a dark room. A cold and empty dark room.

He didn't expect anything else.

He slowly sat up and made a low groan as he stretched his arms. He then looked around and realized where he was again.

He wasn't home.

He was in Seoul.

It was cold and rainy outside as he got up and looked out the window. He gave a silent slow sigh. He felt tears brim his eyes. Then a picture of someone appeared in his head and a tear fell as he remembered her face.

He put a cold skinny hand on the window and wiped his tears away with the other.

He then quickly put a different shirt, black skinny jeans, and eyeliner on and threw a thin jacket on, and opened his window. He was met with a cold brisk of air to his face and it tingled his chapped lips. He slowly climbed out being careful not to fall, and jumped out onto the frosty grass.

He then started walking down the old sidewalk with cracks, and he looked around him. Houses were on his right while run down buildings and abandoned parks were on his left. He kept walking and threw his hood on as he was getting to the busy part of town.

Taeyong passed by many people and bumped into them but never said anything, because in reality he didn't care.

He passed by many shops and buildings, and kept walking until he got to where there were fewer people, and lots of alleyways that druggies hung out in.

He inhaled the scent of flowers and wet grass, it was delightful. He then pulled out his vape, and took a big inhale as he felt the sensation take over his body. He then exhaled and let out a breath of smoke that disappeared almost immediately.

He could get used to this.


Jaehyun woke up to the noise of fighting, and complaining from the kitchen.

"This game is rigged! Your cheating!"

"Am not!"

Jaehyun only sighed and lied his head back in annoyance, but got up anyway and walked out of the rundown room into a rigged hallway, and finally into a kitchen, where he was met with Jisung and Chenle fighting over a video game.

Chenle had Jisung in a head lock and Jisung had the video game controller out of his reach. Jaehyun sighed and shook his head as he opened the fridge and grabbed out a piece of cheese and water.

"Goodmorning Jae, going out today?" Doyoung asked beside him eating bread.

"Yea, where's the rest of the gang-"

He was cut off by a slam of a door opening.

"Winwin get back here or I'll kill you!" Taeil runs in with a pocket knife ready and Winwin running for his life.

"Lay a finger on him we'll have a cat fight!" Yuta said running after.

Jaemin came in not a minute later with his a wrapped around Jeno, smothering him in kisses and flirting. Jaehyun just had to look away.

"Chenle what are you doing to our child!" Jaemin then yelled as he saw Chenle rough housing a little to rough with the younger.

"Our?!" Jeno exclaimed.

"Yes baby, Jisung is our child, I thought you knew this by now." Jaemin said dramatically.

"Now your just being delusional." Jeno said rolling his eyes.

"Whatever you say kitten." Jaemin said with a smirk.

"Lucas!" Jungwoo called down the hall as Lucas picked him up and threw him over his shoulder.

"Shush will you? Just be uwu like you always are." Lucas said simply.

"Lucas stop harassing my Uwu child." Doyoung said.

"He's my Uwu, not yours." Lucas said possessively.

"Renjun let go of me! Jisung help me you little shit!" Chenle yelled as he was now put into a head lock by Renjun. While Jisung was laughing in the corner.

"Language you 5 year old!" Mark yelled as he walked in, Haechan following right behind, his eyes admiring Mark from the back.

Jaehyun scoffed as he saw. Typical.

"AyO Jaehyun when are we gon head out!" Kun yelled plopping himself on the couch.

"Whenever you guys stop being clowns." Jaehyun teased as he took a swig of water, and they all made a whiney noise in disapproval at the nickname.

"Lets go already!" Chenle yelled still trying to get Renjuns arms off of his neck.

"Alright! Everyone out! Let's go!" Jaehyun yelled and they all started yelling and whooping as they ran out the door.

They all got onto their bikes and started their motors as they flumed up in rage.

Then rode down the road,

Jaehyun leading.



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