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Taeyong wakes up, back facing a broad chest. A arm is protectively wrapped around his waist and he feels a slight ache in his bottom parts and a pounding in his head. Then it all comes back to him, what happened tonight. It was still night, but he knew not for long. He instantly feels sick to the stomach. No, of course he doesn't regret it, but he just can't. He can't fall in love. Not again.

Not after what happened.

He's scared.

Scarred by his memories.

He slowly removes the arm and gets out of bed silently and swiftly, not waking up the larger. He stared at Jaehyun for awhile, and finally put on his clothes. He feels bad, horrible, guilty. He should of never met Jaehyun, Jaehyun should've never helped him. He should've left Taeyong there, to burn and thrive alone, like everyone else did.

He then walks to the door and slowly opens it, but before closing it he faces back to the handsome boy in the bed.

"I'm sorry Jae." He whispers, and closes the door as he steps out of the room, and walks down the stairs.

He steps outside and the winter air hits his face and he instantly was jolted awake. He looked around. He didn't even know where he was. He sighed as a cloud of smoke came out of his mouth and he shoved his hands into his pockets.

He started walking a direction, he didn't know where it would lead him, but then again he didn't care. He didn't care where he went, what he did, alive or dead. He was a careless, lost soul, just looking for some place to call home.

Nobody was out. It was just him. The wind and the shaking trees. The birds and early stars in the sky.

Taeyong inhaled and exhaled in satisfaction.

He then pulled out his vape that he finally found, and took a deep inhale. He exhaled smoke that disappeared and he heard a water stream somewhere.

The river.

He quickly walked towards the direction of the sound, and walked through the crowded trees. He then heard the sound getting louder, as he got closer, and he then saw river. Ice cold water just running through, no worry in the world. He stood there. Thinking.

Thinking of how it would feel.

How it would feel if he jumped in there. Would his body freeze to death? Would he not feel anything at all? Would he not feel pain anymore?

He stared at it. So tempting. Yet so scary.

To know that if he jumped in, he wouldn't come back. He wouldn't see another smile of someone. To hear the birds chirp another morning. To see another sunrise.

He shivered at the thought and a cold freeze passed him.

He then started walking downside the riverbank, and kept walking.

Someone on his mind.


Jaehyun woke up, reaching out beside him, only to find a cold sheet. His eyebrows furrowed as he opened his eyes to find the spot beside him, empty. Nobody there, or anywhere.

Taeyong was gone.

His heart twisted in pain as he realized it. Taeyong had left him, even after last night. He was so confused. Is this was Taeyong does? Have one night stands and leave even before morning?


Taeyongs touch still lingered on his hands, and he was left, wanting more, confused.

Why would you give your virginity and make love to someone you'd never see another day? It didn't make sense to Jaehyun, not at all.

All he knew is that he needed to talk to Taeyong.

And find this strange beautiful boy out.

BAD BOY | JAEYONGWhere stories live. Discover now