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"Come on cupcake, just one night hm? I'll make you feel good."

"Fuck off." Taeyong spat at the man walking dangerously close beside him, just eager to get his hands on Taeyong.

It was midnight. Taeyong had just stayed out of his house that night, because his dad had friends over, and walked into an alleyway where now he was being followed by a man far old from himself and drunk. Taeyong didn't want to start a fight this early moved in, but if he had too he would without hesitation.

"Oh come on, how bout just one kiss huh baby?" The man then got infront of Taeyong. Taeyong tried to get around the man but the man then pulled out a pocket knife, and Taeyongs heart stopped.

"We can play this the easy way.." He started as he swayed the knife back and forth. "Or the hard way baby boy." His eyes darkened and he got closer to Taeyong. Taeyong, with no other choice, backed away, until he hit a wall. He started to panic but didn't show it, as he didn't want to show any sign of weakness.

The knife came right up to Taeyongs neck and Taeyong held his breath as the man got closer. Taeyong could just smell the alcohol coming from him, and wanted to puke.

Then the mans lips just barely hovered over Taeyongs lips whenever Taeyong threw a hand across his face.

"I said fuck off filthy bastard!" Taeyong yelled at him.

"Fine, we'll do it the hard way." The man said and he grabbed Taeyong by the neck in a swift movement, and Taeyong gasped in shock at the sudden movement as he grabbed the large hands around his neck. He then felt short of air.

Then a hand came up Taeyongs shirt, and Taeyong instantly started kicking.

"S-stop! Get off o-of me!" He breathed out as he grip on his neck tightened, and he swore he saw stars for a moment.

"Hey! Let go of him!" Taeyong then heard a loud voice scream from his left.

"Shit!" The man said and in one movement dropped his grip on Taeyong and ran. Taeyong instantly fell to the ground and started having a coughing fit as he held his bow bruised neck.

He heard footsteps run over to him, and someone putting their hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, are you..." but the man stopped halfway when he saw Taeyong.

Taeyong looked at him confused and raised an eyebrow, as he touched his face.

"What? Is there something on my face?" Taeyong whispered as his voice was sore from lack of air.

BAD BOY | JAEYONGWhere stories live. Discover now