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"No please stop! Please!" A boy yells for his life, fighting and fighting as his muscles are already sore.

"Fucking faggot stop rejecting me! You know you want it you slut!" A drunk man yells.

"No! I don't! Please! Let me go!" The boy keeps yelling and kicking for his life.

"Your nothing but a toy, to me and everyone in this world! Accept it!"

"Nobody wants you!"

Taeyong jolts up from his sleep in a panting mess and his heart racing fast. He jerks his head around only to be relieved it's his own room. He catches his breath and then feels tears prick his eyes.

"No no..." he keeps whispering and then huddles his knees to his chest, and cries.

"Why now?" He whispers in a choking sob.

Then a memory of someone pops up in his mind, and his eyes hurt from it, so does his heart.

"Why did you have to leave me? All alone in this world?" He whispers to no one.

The night creeps his room through his window, and the cold grasp onto his sensitive skin. All you could hear was his breathing and trees shaking with the wind.

Then another image pops into his mind.

A soft dimple smile, cute eyes, broad body, and a soothing voice that Taeyong could listen to forever.

Taeyong stayed still for a moment, before getting up silently and grabbing his hoodie. He quickly put it on and a hat as he swiftly put some eyeliner on and shoes.

He then opened his window and the cold winter air entered his room and gripped his bare skin. He shivered, but jumped out and landed on the frosty grass. He then stayed walking, to the nearest thing he could think of.

The river.

It wasn't long before he heard the swooshing of small waves and water running downstream. He then saw an old bench and slowly sat down on the cold metal. He let out a breathy sigh as smoke came out from the hot air colliding with the cold.

Nobody was out. Nobody. Just him, and his thoughts. His thoughts and everything was gnawing at him. He closed his eyes and snuggled deeper into his thin hoodie, but jolted whenever he heard a familiar voice.

BAD BOY | JAEYONGWhere stories live. Discover now