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Taeyong wakes up, instantly feeling sore all over. His body aches and he makes a low groan at the pain. His head is pounding and he looks around, taking in his surroundings.

He wasn't in his room, nor his house, he was in someone else's. It didn't look that bad, but it smelled pretty weird. Taeyong slowly sat up, and he made another groan as he his back hurt, but managed to turn his head and look around the room.

It wasn't that full. All he saw was a small desk, a vintage looking dresser, and the bed. It was a pretty small compacted room, but to Taeyong it felt like home. It was warm and had a nice feeling to it.

He then painfully got out of bed, and started walking down the hallway out of the room. The house was pretty small, but it was nice. It wasn't that messy, but it wasn't clean either. He turned a corner and saw a small kitchen, with ramen cups everywhere. There was dirty dishes and Taeyong was just disgusted in it all.
He then started to clean, like a mad man. Putting up the mans clothes that were lying around and washing the dishes to vacuuming and spraying febreeze.

It wasn't until he heard the front door being in locked when he was putting up a plate on the top shelf he couldn't reach. Damn his height.

"Taeyong?" Taeyong instantly recognizes that honey sweet voice and turns around to see Jaehyun, standing there with a curious look.

"Jaehyun?" Taeyong asked and then realized where he was. He was at Jaehyuns house. This was all Jaehyuns stuff.

"D-did you clean my house?" Jaehyun stuttered as he looked around and was shocked at how spacious and good it looked.

"I got bored." Taeyong whispered and only now realized what he was wearing. All he was wearing was his boxers and a big button up shirt that seemed to be Jaehyuns, it smelled just like him. Taeyong blushes at the thought.

"Oh..thank you- how do you feel?" Jaehyun asked as he takes off his leather jacket and Taeyong can't help but to stare. As Jaehyun was wearing a very tight shirt- he was built and his muscle stood out. Taeyong was whipped, but quickly collected himself as he looked away.

"Good." Taeyong said quietly, and he heard Jaehyun coming over to him.

As he was looking down, he saw feet stop at his. He then felt a hand on his chin, and his chin being gently tilted up to meet warm brown eyes.

"Taeyong..I wanna say something." Jaehyun whispered as he stared at Taeyong, with such intensity it was overwhelming.

"What is it?" Taeyong whispered.

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