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One kick after another. One punch after another. Taeyong was in a fight. It was 1 against 3 and Taeyong was fighting for his life at this moment. He couldn't even think straight though from the alcohol in his system.

He had just gone clubbing, and got into some trouble with these guys because their chicks had eyes for him. He was now getting ganged up on by these drunk men and he was just trying to not fall down from the harsh words and hits they were doing to him.

He finally punched a guy in the jaw and he flew back, immediately hitting the ground. A punch then collided with his left cheek and he stumbled back only for himself to throw a punch into thin air. He then threw a kick as he felt hands grip his neck and he felt himself hit a leg, and heard a painful cry. The grip on his neck was long gone but then incame another hit to his head and he swore he was gonna pass out with another one.

He tasted the taste of metal in his mouth, and he saw red liquid slip down his lips and splatter onto the ground.

He then looked up and saw the man was now stumbling, not even knowing where to look anymore, while the other two were passed out on the ground. Taeyong swiftly turned around with the last of his knowledge ran. He ran out of alleyway, and away from the loud music and the heat of bodies. He kept running until he turned and stumbled into an empty alleyway.

His whole body hurt. He felt sore all over and wanted the pain to stop. He opened his mouth to only let more blood fall down his lips onto the ground, and coughed as he felt he was choking. A pool of blood sat underneath him and he was panting loudly as he felt his lungs needed oxygen. He felt so weak.

He finally slid himself onto the brick wall that held graffiti, and leaned his head back as he took deep breaths. He felt so tired. He needed someone. Someone to help him at this moment, because he could barely stand with his stiff legs.

A image suddenly popped into his mind, and a honey sweet smile went across it. A soothing yet husky voice talked in his mind and he instantly grabbed his cracked phone from his pocket.

His then shaky bruised hands dialed a number and held it up to his ear.

"Hello?" A voice from the other side say and Taeyong instantly melted at the sound.

"Jae.." his voice was shaking as he spoke.

"Taeyong? Is that you? Are you okay?" The voice instantly sounded worried and Taeyong gave a small laugh but cursed and held his chest in pain.

"I- I need a ride. I'm hurt." Taeyong said weakly. He felt so tired.

"Ok ok just tell me where you are Tae. I'll be there." Jaehyun said and he heard shuffling on the other side of the phone.

"I don't know Jae...I have no.." his voice faded and Taeyongs hand slipped down as it lost its strength. His voice refused to come out as he felt his eyes close.

He heard yelling on the phone, but couldn't make out the words as the world went silent.

So did his thoughts.


Jaehyun was speeding down the road. Looking in every alley way, and finally he saw a figure, lying so still you'd think he'd was dead.

He stopped his car with a screech and jumped out as he ran over to the beaten up looking figure. Jaehyun bended down and cupped Taeyongs bruised cheek with his hand, and cursed under his breath.

"Who did this to you.." He whispered.

Jaehyun instantly picked up the passed out boy bridal style and put him in the back seat carefully.

He then got back in front and drove home.


He covered the shivering body with a heavy blanket and crouched down as he brushed the hair out of his face. He looked so at peace and Jaehyun just wanted to cuddle him up and kiss him.

"I'll figure you out. I will. And I'll help you Taeyong. Just let me." He whispered.

"Let me in that blocked heart of yours."

BAD BOY | JAEYONGWhere stories live. Discover now