over informing

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You ever read a story where they just keep explaining everything?

Me too.

Did you eventually start to find it annoying?

Me too!

Honestly, I get how people end up doing this but that doesn't make it any less annoying. Especially when I'm having a hard day and I've come here to escape all the nonsense.

Like, stop doing it.


You'll be in the middle of a scene and all of a sudden they're talking about some shit in full detail about something that isn't even that relevant to that moment. Something they could introduce overtime it just slipping it in there when something happens in which it had relevancy; instead of just giving it to you.

And the author does it over and over again.



I saw Shadae walking towards me with her signature limp. She had gotten it back in 89 when she had thought in the Humans vs Ducks was and the Ducks was going ham pecking on her leg, trying to pick the flesh from her bones. Fortunately, Mr. Dicklip came just in time with a hockey stick like Rambo with his machete. Mr. Dicklip was later found at the bottom of a pond with that hockey stick two feet up his ass. Ever since then Shadae has been walking funny and she won't open up to anyone about that mysterious bump on her lip that leaks puss ever Tuesday evening at 12:51 exactly. We keep telling her it's fine to talk about it but whenever we do she gets angry and puss shoots from that bump and the last person who got hit by it also got the mysterious, gross ass bump and later died. We don't ask as much anymore."

Like why?


No one needed to know all that information at the moment. It was unnecessary and just dragged on the moment for no apparent reason.

What you should do instead-

Put that shit in a flashback

Have a character tell someone about it later on

Make a jokey joke that leads to tea time

Throw out some hints here and there

A game


Think of something besides just randomly throwing it out there because it doesn't add as much to the story as you think it does.
If you want to give a reason, do so but we don't need to the full story at that exact moment



Tbh I forgot about this again but hey

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