"I can't believe you made me pay for all this nonsense." Doyoung said bumping his shoulder into Jaehyun's.
"Kamsamnida, hyung. For spoiling us today." Jaehyun's answered, stopping right by the front door to bow low in front of him.
"Yah!" Doyoung shouted. "Don't make a big deal out of it. Next time you're paying."
Jaehyun was laughing when we walked inside heading to the kitchen so I didn't hear anything until we walked into the common room. Lucas was the first one through the door after me and he bumped into my back when I stopped abruptly. What the...
"Taeyong...?" He was on the floor, curled up with his feet bare and dressed like he always was when he wasn't going anywhere, in a loose shirt and sweat pants. I couldn't see his face, but he was shivering badly. No, not shivering...crying.
Only then did I take in what was going on in the rest of the room. Mr Lee was standing by the sliding door leading to the balcony, talking on the phone to someone rapidly, his face serious as he gestured at the broken glass like the person on the other end could see him. I shook myself out of my stupor and rushed over to Taeyong on the floor, reaching for his hands and wrapping them in mine tightly.
"Taeyong. What happened?" He didn't answer me, but Mr Lee did. He was tucking his phone into his front suit pocket when he said,
"Someone threw a brick through the window. Taeyong didn't see who it was but I'll be going down to look at the security footage soon. Can you get him to his room?" He asked. We all nodded, quiet, because was there really anything we could say? Jaehyun picked up the brick on the floor near Taeyong and examined it closely. It was just an ordinary red brick. There wasn't even a message taped to it. Lucas helped me get Taeyong on his feet and Doyoung led the way to his room. When he opened the door, we got Taeyong to sit down on his bed and laid him down so that he was leaning comfortably on his pillows. He said nothing the whole time. He just sat there staring straight ahead. I looked over at Jaehyun's who was on the other side of the bed. He looked as worried as I probably did.
"Taeyong? Do you want anything? A glass of water?" Jaehyun asked, lifting a blanket over his legs and tucking it in around his hips. There was still no answer. Fuck. Jaehyun nodded his head at me, telling me with his eyes to do something, but I had no idea what. The last time he had been like this was back at the hospital when we had just come back...Choi had revealed that he had done everything to get to Taeyong.
"Do you think he's going to be OK?" Lucas asked quietly. He was so tall that sometimes we forgot he was still more like a child than most of us. His eyes were wide and he had them pinned on Taeyong.
"He'll be fine." I said. It took 3 tries for that to even leave my mouth though. Would he? I glanced back at him sitting on the bed. It was almost like he was in a coma. If his eyes were closed it would be creepy...
"He'll be fine. You'll see." I repeated. I would make sure of it.
He was not fine. 2 hours had passed and Taeyong was still catatonic. I sat with him for those 2 hours, rubbing his hands and talking to him. Trying to get him to drink some water. I even tried a chocolate bar. Taeyong never said no to chocolate. Still nothing. Mr Lee had left not long ago after coming to check on us, saying he and a few security guards would be reviewing the tape for outside and that someone would be over soon to patch up the window. I wanted to be mad at him. What was the purpose of him being here if Taeyong still got hurt? Where the hell was he earlier when he should have been standing in front of him, taking that brick in the face like he was supposed to? But I couldn't. His charge was inside what was supposed to be a secure building and if I knew Taeyong, it had bugged him to always be followed around. He was probably just following instructions.

Hotel Roommates // Yutae Fan Fic
FanficHotel Roommates is a continuation of my previous story, Island Roommates. Please please read it before you read this story so that it can all make sense lol. Gomawo. Nakamoto Yuta and Lee Taeyong have been through quite a bit this past year, but it...