I walked in to the kitchen to find Taeyong cursing and slamming things on the table.
"Whoa whoa whoa, what the hell are you doing?" I glared at Mr Lee who was just sitting there watching him. He shrugged at me and said,
"I couldn't stop him."
"You couldn't stop him?" I repeated blankly. "You can't stop a one armed man?" Taeyong stopped banging things and spun around to face me.
"Shut up, Yuta." Damn. That hurt. "I can't sit around and do nothing, you know that." He grumbled.
"You also know that straining your arm will mess up your recovery time. Sit down." I took the packet of rice out of his hand.
"I need to make breakfast. You guys have practice today." He said.
"Yah! This is how you ended up in hospital to begin with! Sit your ass down and just let someone else make you breakfast for once! God! You're so stubborn. Aish!" I realised I'd slipped into Japanese when Mr Lee looked at me funny. Taeyong was staring at me with his mouth open.
"Sit down." I said firmly and pushed him towards a chair. He did as I told him and sat down next to his bodyguard. They were quiet as I shuffled around the kitchen getting things ready.
"Where the fuck is the soy - "
"In the fridge. Bottom shelf." He replied.
"Thanks." I muttered. I was much slower than maybe Taeyong was to get things organised but I had 18 bowls ready on the table by the time the members started trickling into the kitchen.
"Are we going to have food poisoning?" Doyoung asked. I threw my apple at him and he laughed as he dodged it.
"If you do, you deserve it. You're all old enough to make your own breakfast. Taeyong has been spoiling you."
Most of the members grumbled but Jaehyun patted me on the back and even helped me wash the dishes.
Back in his room, Taeyong was slumped against his bed on the floor, Mr Lee typing something out on his phone. He looked sulky.
"Do you want to go for a walk?" I asked. The doctor had told him to avoid doing things that strained his injury, but to keep active.
"It would be safer to go for a drive." Mr Lee said, not looking up from his phone. Both Taeyong and I sighed at the same time.
"Do you want to play something? We still need to finish Final Fantasy."
"With one hand?" He asked and I grimaced. I forgot.
"I just want to sleep until it gets better." He said quietly.
"I'm not putting you in a coma. Come on, there has to be something you want to do?" I asked gently. He answered me by closing his eyes and ignoring me.
No answer.
"Taeyong." He shifted forward so he could slide further away from the bed and lay down flat on the floor.
"We can go play - "
"Just - "
"I said, no."
"Fine." I said, turning to leave. "Come find me when you can act your age again." I waiting longer to see if he would say anything.

Hotel Roommates // Yutae Fan Fic
Fiksi PenggemarHotel Roommates is a continuation of my previous story, Island Roommates. Please please read it before you read this story so that it can all make sense lol. Gomawo. Nakamoto Yuta and Lee Taeyong have been through quite a bit this past year, but it...