Chapter 8 (Tris)

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I stood up from the table knowing Tobias would notice and follow me.I had to know if it was true, if Caleb's theory, that I had sort of adopted after he said it, was right. I searched for a while to find the infirmary, and when I found it, I stopped and said, "Let's see if Caleb's theory was right, Tobias."

I waited for him to walk over to me and grab my hand before we entered and walked over to the desk.

"Can I help you?" a woman in all black that looked strikingly like the boy Zeke asked us.

I gulped, "I was wondering...." I paused, how was I going to say it? "I was wondering if I could get tested to see if I'm pregnant."

Tobias didn't seem too shocked at what I said, so Caleb must have asked him the same question at some point. The woman, who introduced herself as Hanna led us to a room with a strange machine that I had never seen before, but it looked similar to the one that was used by the Abnegation blood donation place where they tested the blood for disease before it could be sent to hospitals for use.

"It's odd to see a pair of teenagers from Abnegation asking for a pregnancy test, but I guess you transferred to Dauntless for a reason," she smiled. "I'll go get one of the healers to come and take care of you, it will only be a moment."

There was a short wait until a girl, not much older than Tobias and I, walked in and instantly recognized Tobias.

"Tobias?" she asked.

"Elsa, but I thought.... Marcus said...." he trailed off.

"Marcus told me that you were dead," Elsa growled. "I should have known he was lying. I know him."

"That's the same thing he told me about you," Tobias whispered before hugging the girl making me scowl in jealousy.

When they pulled apart, Elsa smiled at me, "I see you finally asked her to be your girlfriend, Tobias."

"Yeah," he replied sheepishly, does he love this girl I've never known? "But, uh, we kinda, uh...."

"Hanna told me what you're here for, and I must say, I'm disappointed in you. I thought you would behave yourself knowing what Marcus would do if he found out."

She knew about Marcus!? But Tobias said my family were the only ones who knew about it, "I know. I tried, but I guess all those nights of staying with her after his beatings and the nightmares, we just...."

Elsa nodded, "I understand, baby brother." She smiled at me with a knowing look as I felt the relief at knowing there was nothing going on between them. Elsa was his sister. She knew because she went through it all herself.

"I thought I told you never to call me that," Tobias groaned.

She smiled again, "Yeah, but someone had to tell your jealous girlfriend that we were siblings since you were so wrapped up in finding out I was alive."

He looked back at me laughing quietly, "Did you really think I could ever love anyone other than you, Tris? Anyways, I'm pretty sure she wouldn't like me that way knowing what she prefers."

"Ugh, you're trying to make me regret telling you, aren't you?"

"Tobias, Elsa," I interrupted them. "Look, I know you guys are happy to know that you're both alive, but can we please get on to what we came for?"

Elsa smiled and they both apologized. She explained that a small sample of my blood would be necessary and that the machine I had noticed when we walked in the room would analize it for certain chemicles in me that indicate pregnancy. It took ten minutes for the machine, created by Erudite obviously, but the wait seemed interminable.

As we waited, two emotions were warring in me. The first emotion was fear at what would happen to the baby if I was pregnant when we begin the physical portion of initiation, but the second was elation at the thought that if I am having a baby, it belongs to Tobias. I feared loosing the baby if it existed, but I was more excited at the prospect than anything.

"Well," Elsa started once the results were in, "I hope you can protect her, Tobias. I have sway with Amar, so I'll see if he's willing to change initiation some."

"So, Caleb was right?" I asked.

"If Caleb is the one who gave you the idea that you might be Pregnant, then yes," Elsa told us.

So I was going to make it a cliffie, but I felt how long it took me to post was wait enough for you, so there it is.

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