Chapter 11 (Tris)

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When I awoke to someone shaking me, I was scared for a moment forgetting where I was. The only thing that felt familiar was the arm wrapped around me. After a brief adjustment, memories of the night prior flooded my mind reminding me of where I was.

"I figured you could wake Four," I heard Amar whisper.

"Four?" I asked forgetting Tobias's name change for a moment.

"Tobias," he whispered. Why was he whispering? How did he know Tobias's name?

I rolled over and started to shake Tobias enough to wake him.

"Get dressed," Amar told us after Tobias finally woke. "Elsa and I layed out some clothes for both of you."

Tobias nodded and as soon as Amar had left the room, we started going through the clothes to find things that would fit.

Elsa had a lot of black pants and shirts that showed a lot of my collar bone. All of it was black except a few that had images on them. Figuring it was best to stick with plain clothes, I grabbed a random pair of pants and a plain shirt. I folded my Abnegation clothes and hid them under the dresser in the room in hopes of getting to keep one thing that tied me to my family. The shirt was a little baggy at the top, but that made sense as Elsa's chest was quite a bit larger than mine, but the pants fit perfectly. I didn't know how long the clothes would fit me, but at least I had something for the time being.

The clothes Amar had set out for Tobias seemed to be too big for him everywhere as he didn't have the muscles to fit them properly.

"I'm sure they'll fit you in no time," I told him looking at his lanky teenage form. "You're probably going to gain more muscle mass than I will."

"Only because you have to be careful," he replied gently. "Once the baby is born, you can try catching up to me."

I giggled and we headed out of the room to find Amar and Elsa waiting for us in the living room.

"I'll take you to the dorms. Lay down in bed before I wake the others," Amar told us. "No one can know your relation to Elsa. I don't want people to think that your rankings were granted due to favoritism."

We both nodded in understanding, and he led us through the halls to the transfer dorm. The dorm was all one room with a chest at the end of each bed.

"Everyone shares?" I asked in shock. "Are the showers private at least?"

"Sadly no," Amar replied. "I hated it as an initiate as well."

"We'll help protect each other in there." Tobias said. "It looks like there's two beds left and they're next to each other. Are they movable?"

Amar nodded, and we walked to the beds in the corner of the room. Tobias moved the bed that was further from the corner up next to the other on, and we layed back down in each other's arms.

Almost as soon as we were settled, Amar started yelling to wake the other initiates. A few started snickering when they saw our bed arrangement, but they mostly left us alone.

At breakfast, we got the chance to meet most of the other Transfers.

There was the Erudite boy from last night, Eric, and three Candor transfers, two boys and one girl, and a girl from Amity.

"Never would have thought I'd see anyone from Amity transfer to Dauntless," a blonde boy from Candor commented. "I thought a place like this would be too rough for the gentle Amity."

"Not all of us are happy with basically being forced to simle twenty-four seven, John."

The boy nodded in understanding, "I understand completely, Ally. And by the way, I'm not John."

The other blonde headed Candor raised his hand slightly, "I'm John, he's Marcus."

Tobias stiffened beside me at the mention of the name Marcus.

"Aren't those Abnegation names?" I asked curiously.

Marcus nodded, "Yeah, our dad transferred to Candor when he was a boy. When we were born,  he wanted to give us a little bit of his old faction."

The girl from Candor was sitting quietly eating her eggs. Motioning Tobias to follow me, I moved seats to find out what was bothering her.

"Hey," I greeted the girl seating myself across from her. "My name is Tris."

Without looking up, the girl responded with a weak "Hi" as if she was crying. After a moment or two of silence, the girl turned her dark face towards me, and proceeds to run from the cafeteria with tears streaming down her face.

I chased after her watching her long black har trail her like a cloak. When I finally caught up with her, she was sitting by a railing that overlooked a chasm with a roaring river flowing at the bottom.

"What's wrong?" I asked her, worry evident in my voice.

The girl shook her head and tried to push me away.

"I just want to help."

Tear soaked brown eyes looked up at me as she says, "No one can help me. I was such a fool to follow my crush no matter what faction he chose."

I sat next to her for a little bit hoping to give her some comfort. After a bit if silence I asked her what her name was.

"I'm Chae," she replied as Tobias caught up to us.

As soon as she saw him, Chae turned away as if to hide her face.

"Tris, Elsa asked me to find you two. We need to head to the training room."

I stood and offered Chae my hand. I introduced her to Tobias, but I made sure to remember to introduce him as Four. On the way to the training room, I noticed Chae kept stealing glances at Tobias. Was he the crush? If he was, I needed to make sure she understood that he was mine without ending a possible friendship before it could begin.

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