Chapter 9 (Tobias)

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"Well," Elsa started once the results were in, "I hope you can protect her, Tobias. I have sway with Amar, so I'll see if he's willing to change initiation some."

"So, Caleb was right?" Tris asked.

"If Caleb is the one who gave you the idea that you might be Pregnant, then yes," Elsa told us.

Fear coursed through my body. What if the baby didn't make it through initiation? What if it did and I turned out like Marcus? Those questions and more repeated themselves in my mind.

"You won't be like him," Elsa's voice cut through the mental turmoil. "You're too good."

Confusion was written all over my face, "Did I ask that out loud?"

Tris shook her head, "No, but it seems your sister can read your face just as well as I can."

Elsa turned to Tris after looking at her results some more, "When was your last period?"

"About two months ago," Tris replied sheepishly. "I didn't really realize it until my brother asked if I was pregnant. I was so caught up in making sure Tobias was okay."

"Let's do an ultrasound to get a better idea of exactly how far along you are, and then my shift should be over and I'll take you to my apartment. You can stay there for the night."

She had Tris lie down on a bed and used a machine with a wand attached that she rubbed on her stomach. I was surprised when an image appeared on the screen. After rubbing the wand around Tris's stomach for a bit and pointing out to a grayish white blob, that looked vaguely humanoid, on the screen.

"Looking at current development and size, you're about 8 weeks pregnant," she informed us with worry in her voice. "There is an area that looks almost like a shadow. It could be a glitch in the system, or you could be pregnant with another child about two to four weeks younger than the first. Glitches are more common, but the other does happen."

"How, Elsa? I thought in biology we learned that once a woman is pregnant, her body stops releasing eggs until the baby is born," I asked.

Elsa shook her head, "Not always. Some women have a gene which allows them to ovulate during their first month of pregnancy. Their body just doesn't notice for an extra month and it can cause a phenomenon called superfetation. It is extremely rare but can happen."

Tris just seemed to look sick, like she was thinking of what could happen during initiation.

My sister led us to her apartment after cleaning up the ultrasound machine and sterilizing the blood testing machine.

As we entered the apartment a little girl, about two years old, ran at Elsa screaming, "MOMMY!"

"Hi, mommy's girl," Elsa grinned picking the baby up.

"Mommy?" I asked her remembering our conversation two years ago the day before her aptitude test.

'Elsa was playing with the hem of her dress, "Tobias, if I tell you this, you have to promise to never tell anyone else."

"I won't tell anyone," fourteen year old me told her sincerely.

"I'm gay." '

The memory faded as I heard Elsa talking to someone else.

"I'm sorry that she isn't in bed," a young girl said to her. "She wanted to see you when you got home."

"It's fine, Lynn. Shauna could never get Mia to sleep before I got home either. You should probably head home before your mother gets worried."

"Thanks for giving me a chance with Mia," Lynn said as she was heading out the door. "She's such a sweet child."

"You're welcome, Lynn. Have a good night."

Tris and I sat in silence as Elsa took Mia to her room to put her down for bed.

Elsa apologized to us about taking so long to get her daughter to bed.

"It's no problem," Tris told her. "She's beautiful. She looks just like you."

"Thanks," Elsa replied with obvious pride in her voice. "She may not have been created under the best circumstances, but she saved me in a way. I was in a very dark place when I found out about her, and she gave me a new reason to live."

"What happened?" I asked her.

"After the physical part of my Initiation, I was attacked by one of the Dauntless Borns. He's dead now, but he had forced himself on me. Amar caught him after hearing my screams wanting someone to help. He married me not long after initiation and has been raising Mia with me as if she were his own."

"I thought you..." I trailed off.

"That I only liked women?" Elsa finished for me. "I still do with one exception, Amar. I fell in love with who he was rather than his gender."

Tris was looking back and forth between the two of us, "You two look so much alike. Except your eyes, Elsa, they're green."

"Let me show you to the guest room. Tris, I have some old clothes that might fit you that I'll lay out for you in the morning."

We bid my sister good night and settled down in the single bed in the guest room.

I hope you all enjoy this new chapter. Somehow I managed to get some inspiration for the story. I actually based Elsa on someone I know to a small extent who's a lesbian, but she's with a guy and has a daughter with him, although she wasn't raped to create her daughter. She doesn't deem herself bi, though because she doesn't like any other guys, just the one she's with.

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